☆*・゜゚・* EXO - N's [The Joker Queen] : [Kwon Min Jee] *・゜゚・*☆


☆*・゜゚・* EXO - N's [Sub Vocalist, Sub Rapper, Lead Dancer]*・゜゚・*☆


"Live your life to the fullest. If you don´t sooner or later you will regret it." 

- Kwon, Min Jee 

EXO - 's Sub Vocalist, Sub Rapper, Lead Dancer





Username: BlackRose001

Activeness: 9/10

What do I call you: Andreia





Birth Name: Kwon Min Jee

Stage Name: MJ

Nickname/s: MJ, Min-Min

Nationality: Korean

Languages: Korean, Japanese, English, Chinese- Fluent; French, Spanish, Portuguese- Basic

Date of Birth: 20/03/1994 - 19

Place of Birth: South Korea- Seoul

Height: 168cm

Bloodtype: AB


Lead Vocalist, Sub Rapper, Sub Dancer

Sub Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Sub Dancer

Sub Vocalist, Sub Rapper, Lead Dancer




Personality:  Min Jee is a really funny, crazy, ert, caring and stubborn girl. Even if  the jokes aren´t funny she will make everyone laugh because og her own laugh. It´s really funny. Does lots of pranks but that doesn´t mean that she doesn´t care about anyone. She hates to see people sad. She will even do the most embarrasing thing in the world just to make someone happy. 

There´s no one in this world that is more ert and crazy then her. It doesn´t matter what you say she will always take it to the ert side and will try to corrupt the mind of her innocent friends and band members. Crazy is her middle name. If you say something is impossible she will do it and tell you that something is impossible if you don´t try or if you don´t believe in yourself.

Oh yeah... this crazy girl can be really stubborn sometimes. If she doesn´t want to make something but you make her do it, she will think on 1001 ways to take revenge and it´s never a soft revenge. Be carefull!

Never mess with the people she loves. She will torture you until yous last breath.

When she´s on stage she turns into a y girl. Everything she does is y, even her breathing XD. IT´s simply her split personality that everyone is so curious about her. Who´s the real Min Jee? That´s what everyone wants to know.

Aside of that, she has a motherly and warm side that makes people surround her. Gives good advices and knows how to read the atmosphere and situations really well. Can make choices on pressure situations and has a a good temperamental control. 

There´s some people that say that she has the arrogant atitude and that thinks that she´s better than everyone else. Maybe she is, maybe she´s not. What to do?

Lots of girls hate her because they say that she flirts a lot with boys, especialy with famous band boys.

Min Jee sometimes can be really emotionless and that irritates everyone.




  • Coconut and lemon ice cream
  • White Chocolat
  • Capuccino
  • Strawberries
  • Wolves
  • Scary Movies
  • The darkness and the night
  • High heels
  • Accessories
  • Kuroko no Basuke (an anime)
  • Basketball
  • Skateboarding
  • Vampire Knight (An anime)


  • Dark Chocolat
  • Coffee
  • Watermelon
  • Mint Ice cream
  • Lies
  • Bullies
  • Fake people
  • Snakes
  • Storms
  • Having no internet on her devices



  • Singing
  • Rapping
  • Dancing
  • Skating
  • Playing Basketball
  • Playing video games
  • Being on her computer
  • Reading supernatural and romance books
  • Do pranks to her member mates
  • Seeing animes
  • Reading Manga
  • Listen to Music


Special Skill:

Incredible flexibility


  • Is a computer addicted, can´t live without going at least one hour per day
  • Loves to do lots of skinship
  • Can feel others people´s emotions
  • Loves radical sports like bungee jumping
  • Writes lyrics very well
  • Knows how to play the guittar but doesn´t know how to read the notes on the paper.
  • Loves to do her nails
  • Has a body complexion
  • Is weak against cute things and people that do aegyo
  • Since she has light brown eyes, when they are on the sun they look green.
  • Even if she goes late to bed and needs to wake up really early she wakes up on a really good mood.
  • Speaks really quick
  • When she´s nervous she starts bitting her bottom lip.
  • When she´s to happy she will start dancing on anywhere as long it as music, example the elevator
  • If she´s sad she ignores and avoids every one. She wants to be alone
  • If she´s angry she will glare to every one.
  • Has great facility to learn new languages.
  • She needs to wear acessories every single day
  • She need to swimm at least once a week.
  • Loves to practice her dance moves alone.


Words of Wisdom: 

"The best weapon against you enemy is your smile."






Dad - Kwon Sang Woo | 50 | South Korea- Seoul | Actor |Cold, Seriou, Strict| Min Jee never talks with his father is like they are completely strangers to each other

Mom - Kwon Stella | 46 | New York | A famous Stylist | Cold, Serious| Her mom only talks about money with her and nothing else.

Family Background:

 Since young that Min Jee never received the love from her parents. They are always busy with their works and because of them they have to travel every week and stay there all the time. She doesn´t see them since she was 10. But at least they know she exists because they always send her lots of many. They think that if they give her money that it will make her happy.

Min Jee started being tired of this. She was sick of never receiving the love of her parents and being always jealous of her friends because whatever their problem was they could talk with their parents.

Whenshe was 13, Min Jee saw a dance competition on the streets. She was amazed by their dance moves. There was a boy with her age that saw her and asked if she wanted to learn. Min Jee accepted and in a month she looked like a pro. They were amazed. Do you believe that in that month she never known the name of the boy?! Min Jee never heard anyone telling his name, until the day that there was a dance competition. He participated and he was amazing. After that the police came so everyone had to go separated ways. Min Jee was lucky that her house was nearby so she tould him to go with her. 

They run as fast as they could and finally were at her home. He was amazed by how big it was and curious because we were the only ones there. Min Jee told him her story. He was shocked by that and told her that he would never leave her. The police was nowhere to be seen and he went to his house.

The next day, when Min Jee get out of the house she saw a little note saying:

       " If you improve a little more you dance and learn how to rap and singing, believe me, you could even go to an audition of one of the biggest Entertainmentes of the world. I promise you that we will see each other some day again. Never forget that,


With that Min Jee did her best and at the age of 14, she moved to Japan and went living on the big apartament that her parents had there. They would pay everything for her as long as she entered and finished High School. Min Jee accepted the offer and did her best to enter High School when she was 15. The reason that Min Jee really moved to Japan wasn´t because of the different style of studies that they had but because of the different styles of dance. She wanted to learn them to become even better than what she was and to never have a limit for her dance.

With 15 Min Jee did an audition at SM Entertainment. They really loved her audition and she was chosen as a trainee.

With 19, she finally will become an Idol and Sooner or later Min Jee will find him... she hopes....


Michael | 19 | South Korea- Seoul | Min Jee doesn´t know but he is the CEO of one of the most popular magaziness In Korea- Vogue |Caring, Funny, Cold (he is only caring to Min Jee

How did you get into SM?:

Min Jee singed BoA´s song "Every Heart" in Japanese. The CEO liked her voice but he tought that it was just a normal voice. The same thing happened with her rap, but when she danced, he was amazed, by how different she was. He liked that she was a fiercy and y girl dancing and not her crazy personality. "A Joker, huh?!" That´s what the CEO tought of Min Jee. The Joker- a person that had a split personality that could control it. It was thanks to her dance moves and split personality that she was accepted at SM.

Trainee Years:

Min Jee trainde for 4 years. In this 4 years she was lots of times bullied by the other trainees. Everyone tought that she wasn´t that speacial at all and the only good thing about her was her dance. Because of everyone hating herthat, when she was  17 (1996) they push her down the stairs. Because of that she broke her leg. She had to stop dancing for 2 months until she was totaly recovered. Since then, all the teachers started to see if no one would hurt Min Jee. It was CEO´s order, because he saw lots of potential on her. She  was never again hurt phisicaly but they would always laugh at her and maker her feel like an outsider and lower with her self-esteem.

Other Experiences:

She did some modeling for Korean Magazines and she even modeled on an American-Asian event because the SM CEO suggested her to some photographers and they tought that Min Jee was an interesting girl for a model.





Fanclub Name: K.O.D (Knights of Darkness)

Fanclub Color:                

Style: Min Jee is really stylish. Has lots of sense of fashion. You can see her often using hip hop, badass and y styles. That´s who she is.

When she prectices she uses lots of hip hop clothes. If it´s for casual occasions she wores hip hop and badass clothes, she mixes them. For formal occasions she mixes badass with y style. When it´s time to sleep she normaly uses a t-shirt and some shorts.






Face: Lee Hi

Back Up Face:  Hyuna

Position: Sub Vocalist, Sub Rapper, Lead Dancer

Vocal Twin: Dara

Back Up Vocal Twin: Boom

Dancing Twin:Hyuna

Back Up Dancing Twin:Gahee

Rapping Twin: Bora

Back Up Rapping Twin: Dara




Birth Name: Kim Jong In

Stage Name: Kai

Date of Birth: 14/01/1994

Personality: Kai is a really charming, funny and sometimes shy. He can be sometimes arrogant if people that he doesn´t know start stating at him. He cares a lot to the people he loves. On stage he looks like a y god. Everything he does is y but when he is off stage he tends to be cute and a little shy.

First Meeting: When Exo- N go to Seoul and to SM, they are recieved by Exo. Most of them were really friendly to them, but when Kai heard that Min Jee was the lead dancer he started to say that she was nothing special. That was the time that Min Jee went to his side and slapped him saying that he didn´t knew anything about her.

Interactions: At first they would always be irritated by each other, but as time passed by and because of both dancing so well they started to understand each other really well.

Relationship: Love-Hate





Rival: Minzy

Group: 2NE1

Personality: A really funny, dorky and bubbly girl. Loves to help everyone.

Reason for Rivalry: Since we have similiar dance styles everyone keeps comparing each other.


Love Rival: Hyorin

Group: Sistar

Personality: Caring to the people she loves but can be a real devil.

Reason for Love Rivalry: Hyorin has a crush for Kai and ever since that feelings started on her, she tried her best to make him notice her. She was angry that when Min Jee and Kai meeted, he cared for Min Jee much more that for her. She hated it.





Comments: I really loved your idea :D . English isn´t my first language so there might be some mistakes, sorry about that >.<

Hope I will be chosen ^^

Suggestions: None

Questions: None

Clarifications: None

Violent Reactions: You are right, if they were real I would totaly hate them at first

Password: Here^^





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