Well...Please read this

well Like the tag says we lost the baby...I knew for a couple days it just took me a while to put this up since every time i tried writing this i ened up crying. I mean doctor says there's 6 weeks of recovery and all of this stuff. it was cramps and period flow (i think that's how you spell it) i'm sorry for not telling you sooner.

Sadly i feel in love with the baby and if you want to suport me after these 6 weeks on me really trying for a baby then thank you if not don't pay attaion to my post.

I love you and thank you for everything!

i'm going to take a nap now


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I am sooo sorry *hugs* you can talk to me it must be hard I am sorry
Im sorry unnie that must be hard
Get some rest Hun. I love you and I am always here for you.
I'm so sorry, love.
If you ever want to talk, you know I'm here for you and your bf.
I will always support you. <3