EXO M heading to Malaysia

I'm writing while on9 fb. Then i saww the pic. EXO M odw here now! And i was crying a river bcoz last week i decided not to buy the tickket to mtv world stage, bcoz I'm having this not-comfortable-being-with-15000-people at one place... And yeah I'm literally crying while writing this. My biad got new hair color and he's coming to my country! You're close to him yet far! I really want to meet Lu Han..and and Kris, Tao, XiuMin, Chen and Lay..why am I hate being in crowded place? Why? I'm seriously hurt... Because I'm stupid... I keep calling for luhan's namee for countless time today! Its like my heart going to explode and i keep blaming my self for not be able to go. I got the money,the time, and live not really far from the event place yet i hate to be with crowd..hah! My fate!


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unnie~ tomorrow my kai will be arrived at klia too.. i'm crying unnie.. TT_TT
I hope I at KL now -,-
huhu T^T why I leaving far from KL T^T
and I'm too young to go there...-,-
actually not really but my parents wont allow to go to MTV world stage
WHAT!!? That is sad....
I feel you, dude. I feel you. Damn I am one frustrated girl. UGH