So so so so sorry

Guys, I'm really sorry for not updating in a long time.

This summer was crazy: found out that my dad is sleeping with a girl younger than my youngest sister (she is in other words 18!), my mom started to date her alcoholig boyfriend again and we've been having a lots of visits from the polis because of that, I have been working full time and sleeping all weekend becaus I'm too tired to do anything else.

Since all this with my family started I have been a support to my younger sisters (I'm the eldest sister) since there have been alot of  anxiety in our house. Panicattacks are now days a daily routine. And I'm really afraid that one of my sisters will start cutting again, that I will start. But I have turned off my emotions to make my self live through this.

And now I have a new job, fulltime again. Earning alot of money.

But! Every day on the bus (it takes about 40 minutes to get to work with bus and I don't have a drivers licence.) I'm writing on "The start of a new life" and "You can't break my wings".

I can't promise that I'll be able to update anytime soon, but I'm working really hard on it.

Hopefully I'll be able to publish what I've got so far today!

I really hope that you understand an thank you all for being so patcient with me!




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