Question about new world stuff~

If you were to write about somewhere completly different as a fantasy story, how would you write about how the place is?

Would you do it like a book or tell people everything about the place in the description before the actual story starts.

Or would you have a first chapter in no one's pov or narrator's pov and write about the place then intoduce people?


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hmmm I like it like a book with 3rd person. I love fantasy.
OH also Prologue's work well for setting the scene of the story. =)
And I agree with TheChuglyOne... ALWAYS write fantasy/adventure in 3rd person. I wrote my first series in 1st person, switching between POV's, and it was SUPER difficult and now when I look back, it is not good. 3rd person is so much better... I wrote SotG in it. =)
I typically make a blog post that describes my fantasy world from head to toe, then link it in the foreword. =) It works quite well, and you can always update it and link again in your author's notes if need be. =)

OR you can simply describe as you go... let the reader's imagination take over and paint the world for themselves.=)
You can do it as either. It depends, really. Having a drawing for land is helpful to you and you can also show it to the readers :)
I'm sorry, I'm just after taking a tablet and I'll crash soon, so I'm not making much sense of the questions (and I'm not explaining myself well, either)
An another approach could just be having a random character in the prolgue where they do something that basically tells how it is.
For example, being forced to go to war, being forced to deliver a message to someone, to do someone's biddding, etc.

I need to go to bed! Sorry! If I can, I'll try and make better sense in the morning.

Although, for action/supernatural/fantasy - go with third person. It's so much easier to understand :3