I Think I'm Done. Really.

So, put bluntly, I think I'm done with AFF. I'll be honest; I know I'm probably being irrational and, well, annoyingly y, but I'm serious. I think I'm done. There are multiple reasons for this:

1) I'm not getting any feedback on my stories. That's one of the reasons I put some on hiatus. That and I wanted to focus on another story. But feedback is a huge thing for me, and when I don't get anything back, I take it as "Hey, they don't like my writing. I must be annoying or something." I don't know what to do.

2) Not getting feedback, is kind of like no one noticing. Yes, in a way, this is kind of a way to get attention (this post). But, seriously, I go on here to GET AWAY from my life. I get ignored in my real life, so why would I want to stay here just to get ignored?

3) I know I'm not the best writer, really, I do. But, come on, seriously? There are people that are (trying to find the right words)... less knowledgeable(?) in writing than I am, and people LOVE their stories. I don't get it. Why aren't I getting that kind of attention?

4) (referencing to #2) I'm literally getting sick and tired of being pushed aside. Seriously, I have no friends in my real life that go to my school. I have one, maybe two, friends, and one goes to a different college and the other is in NEW YORK. No one cares enough about me, so I see it as this: if no one cares about me enough to send me a "hey hows it goin" text or even a smile, then why should I do the same? I'm sick of trying, so I'm just gonna fade back. If people want to know how I am, they know how to get ahold of me. I'm done.

5) (like #1) It's like I'm just writing for me. So, why publish my stories in hopes people will read them and tell me what they think if I'm not getting that? I'll just keep them to myself.

So, yeah. There's my rant. I'm done. I'm gonna keep thinking about it, but I'm really just sick of everything. Reality and online. I even doubt many people will read this simply because I'm the type to be pushed aside.


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HazelEyedGirl #1
Hey, I just subscribed to you today. I have been reading all of your stories, but I haven't commented because I don't like registering for sites (there is a reason behind that, but I won't bother you with it). After reading your blogpost about debating whether or not to quit AFF, I just had to subscribe because you are one of the best writers that I know. Trust me, I am picky when it comes to writing. I really can't stand it when people have really bad grammar, or when the story doesn't flow well, no matter how good the initial idea for the story might have been. But your stories are in a league of their own. I keep checking back everyday to see if maybe you've updated one of your stories. I'll try to leave some comments and feedback from now on, and hope that you'll continue with sharing your awesome writing with us. I'm from The Netherlands, so you have international fans as well ;) Keep up the good work!
MyDarlingLove #2
MPlum21 I totally get were your coming from. This is happening to me to on aff and in real life. I feel like its useless for me to take the time to write something only I care about. I just started my first year of college and all my friends have left me so now I am all alone. I could go days without talking to any of my friends face to face. Writing fanfics has been a way to coup with it. However i have the same problem as you, my subscribers are not commenting on anything, and it .

I really dont want you to stop writing because you have an amazing solid story and it would be a waist to keep it to yourself. I as a reader will try my hardest to give you better feedback because i know personally how much it helps. So please keep writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't leave Aff!! You have no idea how much your stories mean to me! I really do try to comment each time and I know sometimes mine are short and I'll try giving you more feedbback in each one :( please dont leave! I love your stories and I promise to be more active in my comments. Please, please stay!!!
No please don't leave AFF!!!!! You don't know how much I don't want you to leave!!!! I know I'm not one to write comments on stories but I really do love your stories and you don't know how much your stories keep me coming back to AFF. I love all of your stories with Nat and Vin and I just found you're Italian panda story a couple of days ago and I was so excited to start reading it. I'll try commenting more if that means you'll stay! I am virtually on my knees begging here! Please! Don't! Leave!
I think I'm one of the people that don't comment ._.
But I do read your updates! I really love them too ;-;
I'm just not the type to really comment...sorry. But I'll comment more! I swear :3
I'm not really one that says a lot and I've been away from aff myself due to my computer crashed last year, OK I got a new one in back in may, but I really don't comment a lot on stories. However, I don't think you should give up I don't get that much attention here or in real life either, but I love writing so I do. I know it big time, but just please don't give up OK,