☯ kang yujin ↬ love interest (choi joosuk)

kang yujin
name  Choi Joosuk
nickname(s)  Unknown to Yujin, but include the following:
 Jack - American name (called by anyone not Korean)
» Jackie - family name/close friend name (affectionate, hm?)
» Tigger - brother (as a kid, she was bouncy - very bouncy)
» Mama Tigress - best friend (he knows just how protectively crazy and violent she can get...)
gender  Female
age  19
occupation  University student/works somewhere
visual ↬ Choi Joosuk
links  Refer to application
personality  not included on request
backstory ↬ The only reason and Joosuk know of each other's existence is because of their joint coexistence as prodigies, they're forced to live with each other's presence. Essentially they only know each other through their statuses as trainees and it's also through this that they eventualy interact with each other.
ending ↬ One-sided, with Yujin confessing and ending up heartbroken but maybe them somehow becoming friends.
out of character
back-up love interest  Is it alright if I choose to not have a back-up? I'm not particularly interested in romance for my character and I'd rather she was just heartbroken.
question/comments/concerns ↬ (anything you would like to ask, say, talk about, etc.)
scene requests ↬ hm, maybe a scene where Yujin takes her frustrations out by watching horror movies and laughing at all the blood and gore? At this point I'm more desperate to submit this than think things through (which I really should OTL, I'm so sorry D:!)




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what's this for? LOoks interesting :)