
So, I was going through the popular stuff, popular today, most viewed, that kind of thing. (I noticed that it's an Infinite fic that's the most popular, not an EXO one which kind of surprised me, but then again, I guess there is just too much EXO. But, EXO pretty much dominate the rest.)

Anyways, back to my point.

The most commented fic is The Dull One by Goddess. It has 35,164 comments and 70 chapters.

That's 502 comments (roughly) per chapter! I'm not even going to say that I'm not the least bit jealous, because my envy is sky high right now.

But, I bet that some of her comments are probably bashing her, unless she deleted them, because I'd say since it's the most popular on AFF it's bound to have its vocal haters.

Is it really that good of a fanfiction? (I have a feeling my English is wrong here, but I'm too lazy to change it. And, you know, I have to change my wording a lot ... It sounds perfectly fine when I say it aloud, but reading the stuff I write, it just looks wrong. Why is it so impossible to speak English?!

No one will ever understand my shock at discovering that bate {said like bait, but meaning beat} was not a real word. My whole class was like:


People refused to accept that and there was a discussion for the rest of the day. Oh, I miss Primary School. I looked forward to P.E instead of dreading it .... )


But, yeah, back to the point: 502 comments per chapter is crazy!

(Did you know it cost £7 million to make the Titanic, but $200 million to make a film about it?)


I'm jealous of her! The next fic is 321 comments per chapter. And then you have me .... with approx. 2 comments per chapter ... ?

Ehh, whatever. I got better biases. OTL /shot/


But, honestly I thought it'd be dbskgirl4ever, since she's the most popular author, but I heard she deletes some comments? I don't really know, tbh.

Anyways, this is pointless.


Erm, to continue the thing of me being random:

  • 2% of the world's population have red hair - I am apart of that :D
  • A group of flamingos is called a flamboyant
  • Most people are unable to laugh on command
  • There is a combustable baby
  • Chen is hotter than your bias, unless your bias is Zelo. And in that case, they're even.
  • You will never need to know the derivative of sin, cos and tan.
  • 99% of poets are depressing


And that is all I can think of ... oh! And Zelo and Chen are forever relevant


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i get like 1 comment every 5 chapters, aff how i hate you sometimes fufufufufu
cause goddess is AWESOME. <3
Can you imagine replying to 520 comments every time you updated???
Yeah. Not for me.
Well two comments per chapter are GOOOOD

Im still waiting for that decent 1 comment per update...
silent readers kill meeeee
Most of the "top" authors annoy me honestly... Most of the time their writing styles don't seem to improve with time, they still use huge fonts, and most of their stories come off (at least to me) as extremely cliché with already over-used plots, but the stories still become popular because the authors are them. :/
I wish people would leave me a few comments per chapter too and "Please update soon" shouldn't be one ._.
Goddess deletes comments if someone gives her concrit. I should know since I was reading 'the dull one' for a while and ended up commenting on it about how unrealistic her allergic reaction scene was and how she killed off her character unknowingly. I basically told her she should take 5 minutes to research because of that fact and she ended up deleting my comments. I even commented on her wall about it and she basically called me an idiot for expecting her to know basic first aid and not researching enough. She basically told me that she can't be bothered by such stuff and that most people wouldn't know the facts I presented. Sadly, she's supposedly 18 and yet can't spend 5 minutes to fact check and the info I told her was pretty basic and that most people would have known or at least look it up. Then she deleted my wall comments as well, so I gave up on reading her stuff. If she can't take concrit and at least respect those who give it, then she doesn't deserve to have me as a reader. Dbskgirl4ever basically does the same thing, so my respect level for them is pretty much void. The stories themselves are cliche, predictable, and overly recycled, nothing new or unique at all. The protagonists are pretty boring as well.

I'll give you comments, but until I get a chapter of SM done, you'll have to take an IOU from me. Not going to lie, but I'm still on chapter 1 of your story due to being busy and keeping myself from reading fanfic. You'll get long comments from me. :)

And sadly I do need to know trig identities and derivations, I'm a math major basically.

Chen is definitely relevant for everything, he's even tied with Myungsoo on my ultimate bias list.
lol zelo and chen ARE forever relevant XD
goddess got herself quite some loyal fans.
dbskgirl4ever do delete comments, which she claimed it to be because her mouse froze. what a bunch of bull.
but if you consider those comments to subscriber, I think it's pretty reasonable. plus, once in a while you get those readers that just spam the comment box with absolute nonsense.