read if you want

I'll just post this here, so basically i m not like other girls i dont put on make up, i dont flirt with boys, i didnt have my first kiss yet, my friends are always teasing me telling me that i should change things on my face like my eyebrows or my teeth, i think im not ugly, but are they truly my friends they should understand me and not rub the fact that im not as pretty as them in my also shy so i dont talk easily with boys, do u think that all this makes boys dont want me, i m in love with guy we are very close, but when i try to show him th1t i love him he stops me, i think he doesnt want to embarass me, i dont want to tell this to my friends, im afraid they will say that its understandable, since im not that pretty, well they are not the prettiest too, they just do their eyebrows and wear contacts and cake their face with make up, im crying now cause i feel like the worst person on earth i just want to write it here, share it, thats all


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Oh man, you friends sounded like they . I usually don't read friend blogs, but I'm glad I read this one. If the guy didn't want you to confess, that might've mean that he didn't like you in loers kind of way, but from how he tried to stop you, I think he's good. Good enough to be your friend. You might not want to lose him. I hope you're feeling better now, just be sure, there are tones of guys out there who'd do anything for you, you just hadn't meet him yet. As for your friends, I hope they respect you, and only speaks like that out of concern. If they didn't, just ditch them. One true friend is better than 100 fakes.

I think I comment long enough. LOL, sorry for any mistakes, my brain is fuzzy, lolol. /and my eye ball is strained too/ *gives you YunJae cookies* If you still didn't feel good, I recommend DBSK cute mistakes in youtube, hope it'll make you smile! <3 <3 <3