The Haunting In Seoul Application ^^

Username: LoveLikeLucifer

Name: Park Jisun

Nickname: Jiji

Age: 18

Ethinicity: Korean

Birthplace: Daegu, South Korea

Birthday: October 24th 93

Family: Park Heeyoung, 42, mother, Intererior Designer, she spoils Jisun and tries to be her friend instead of a parent and over compensates for the fact it's often just the two of them as Jisun's father is away in the army. She's a young mum and likes partying more than Jisun does.

Park Yuen, 51, father, army general, never at home, is posted all over South Korea and takes his job very seriously and it's his number one priority and has missed a lot of Jisun's growing up so their relationship is awkward and they still talk formally.


Underneath her seemingly odd and harsh exterior, which is easy to break down when you show her kindness and sincerity, she's childish, immature and just wants somebody to be her friend.

She's easy to please and doesn't need anything expensive and extravogant to win her over, she likes to make people laugh and prefers to spend time with people getting to know them as opposed to being bought. Time is the best gift you could give her.

She's quite awkward and sometimes says the wrong things at the wrong time which causes her to get flustered and embarrassed. She has pale skin which shows redness and blushing very clearly when she's embarrassed.

She's clumsy and can manage to trip over anything and nothing and is constantly bumping into inanimate objects as well as people and drops things too often.

She's humble and forgiving. She likes peace and harmony and get's upset when things aren't right and when the atmosphere is cloudy. She's over sensetive and down to earth.




They've moved around constantly because of Yuen's job and he thought that moving his family with him would prevent them drifitng apart but despite this he never had time for them and eventually the decision was made for Heeyoung and Kiah to stay in Seoul whilst he travelled. Heeyoung often goes out all night and when she's not spending time and money on herself she's at work holding up her high status in the industry which has caused Kiah to be extremely independant and used to spending time on her own. She's a strong personality and is because of this quite stand off ish and comes across cold at first but it's all she's ever known. She struggles making friends at first and is convinced nobody will stick around for long.

Height: 5ft2

Weight: 111 lbs

Your look:,r:0,s:0,r:17,s:23&tx=68&ty=48,r:7,s:0,r:19,s:74



Anything like volunteering at animal shelters or the like.
Painting her nails over and over,
Long walks,



The Library,
The countryside,
Bad jokes,
Green tea,
Nail Varnish,
The colours navy and burgundy,



When people leave, she's not convinced they'll come back,
Expensive things,
Being controlled,
Being alone for a long period of time,
Farfetched lies,



Tripping over her words when she's flustered,
Puffing out her cheeks,
Wrinkling her nose up,
Fiddling with the end of her hair,
Saying the wrong things,
Taking things to heart





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LOrd_JY_ #1
Thanks 8D