INFINITE: One Great Step in Jakarta | 130831

BEAUTIFUL SHOW 2012 is the first concert I watched. Since it's my first time, I took the cheapest seat, bronze. It had not been a year since I became a B2UTY and I had not worked yet at the moment, so, yeah, money was considered a lot.
It took only 50 USD I think.
Music Bank in Jakarta (link to blog post here) is the second concert I watched, temped with BEAST and INFINITE among the idols list. Not to add Super Junior, SHINee, and Teen Top. This time I watched from Gold section which, unfortunately, quite far from the stage.
It took around 125 USD.
Then around two months ago, the surprising news was announced: INFINITE would hold their 1st concert in Jakarta -- as a group --, a part of their world tour, One Great Step.
Among my friends who also love K-Pop, INFINITE is not on their top priority so I ended up dilemma by myself. I would go alone and I didn't know what best seat I should choose.
Considering Festival (standing) and VVIP, I ended up with VVIP since I was all alone. Considering many other concerts, the VVIP seat is said to be cheaper than usual with 150 USD.
The concert started on 8 PM and finished on 11 PM.
So... should I start rant now?
Okay. I'm not exaggerating. Perhaps a little with the caps lock, but, seriously, yesterday is just wayyy too awesome!
I'm not going to list all performances one by one but I'll break down some notable points from my point of view here. ;)
#1. Live Band
Yes, live band. They didn't perform only with backtrack but live band. It sounded so great that I was speechless, especially the sound and lighting effects added the perfection point!
#2. Live Singing
I'm never good in differentiating live singing with lip syncing most of the time but, yesterday, betting all my savings in bank account, INFINITE sang live everyone. Perfectly live.
Their laughter could be heard through microphone. When they stopped, we could notice it. And, gosh, when Sunggyu sang a line of 60secs during the ment, I thought I would faint!
#3. Synchronized Dance
Thanks God I could be a witness of their synchronized dance. I'm not being bias here (maybe just a little) but, yeah, watching from VVIP seat, I was confused with my sight since I wanted to see seven of them precisely.
I ended up dropping my jaw because their synchronized dance. It's beyond perfection.
Let me be honest. INFINITE (and SHINee) is the best when it comes to dance term. Not bashing other groups, just sharing my opinion.
#4. English
During Beautiful Show, there was a translator to tell the fans what they were saying. During Music Bank, the MCs tried to translate in English for the fans.
During One Great Step in Jakarta? They spoke English! English, everyone, English! And Indonesian too somewhat. They barely talked in Korean. Ah, I was squealing like crazy when Hoya spoke English.
Not perfect, of course, but wow, they're trying so hard that I just couldn't help but to love them even more!
#5. VCR
INFINITE played a continous VCR with a storyline during break time and I think it's awesome. It showed us how seven of them are great actors! I like it very, very, very much!
#6. Remix version
Can You Smile has dance moves, everyone! Oh yeah. And Sunggyu performed 60 Seconds as a ballad during the first refrain. All of them had solo stages -- Sungyeol with Sungjong, INFINITE H, then L, Woohyun, Sunggyu.
#7. Surprise
Apparently, right before the last song "With...", a video from Inspirits was played. Then a birthday cake for Sungyeol and Sungjong was revealed. They were having fun on stage before the performance.

Unfortunately I didn't take any fancam since I was too focused with the whole concert from start till end. kkk~
The best:
Sunggyu with his beautiful vocal.
Dongwoo with his adorable laughter.
Woohyun with his famous throwing-hearts-gesture.
Hoya with his powerful dance.
Sungyeol with his bright cheerfulness.
L with his handsome smile.
Sungjong with his cute fanservice.

For anyone who dare to say Sungjong and Sungyeol are just there to complete the group without talent, or L is there because of the look, Dongwoo is just a rapper and Hoya is only good in dancing, try to sing in front of me and I'll consider your opinion because, you know what, their vocals are sooo good!
INFINITE is perfection.
The bad:
Before the encore, I think the fanchant was not too loud(?). Maybe it's just me but I really hope it's louder but, well, it's good. :)

A loyal Inspirit here! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Really hope will have another experience soon! ^^
Thank you for reading the blog post!


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are you Indonesian? :O
I'm going to ogs sg and im in dilemma I got the vip tix but I don't think I can handle it alone. My friend's seat is far from my seat about 6 more rows behind!! :( im sad. Hmm hoya did a lot of effort to talk in English but where did he learnt eng from ; ^ ; eung. Lucky you for having it
Awwwwwww I can't wait to see them in sg toooooo ahhhh Woohyunie xD
you live in jakarta too?! lol
huuuuuuu that makes me want to go to there concert even more now >_< but sadely i cannot since they will be performing far from where i live *sighs* one day, one day.
Glad99 #7
Well, I was there too! :D Although I love them soo much, I did feel a little bit disappointed with the stage. I don't know why, but I don't really think they show their full abilities yet. When I see their Japanese concert, even just from the video, you could feel the heat and the euforia. But last night, when I got home, I feels nothing. The most memorable stage was Sunggyu's 60 sec though. He got such an amazing vocal! XD I hope their next performance could be more exciting though~