12 Princes, 12 Roses - Plot | Name

A/N: Hi ^^

Just to remember: Kris, BlackRose Plot and Night control is taken by me.
Don´t forget to delete every note and parenteses you see.
The PurpleRose Plot, Kai and Telepathy are taken by co-author.
Don´t change the format of this app and do it as neat as possible.
The ulzzang Lee Yeon Ju is taken as face claim by me and Ulzzang Kim Seuk Hye is taken by co-author
Change the photos of Mikki to your face claim.



Name Here

The Real You Babe ;)

Usarname: (Hyperlink it)
Activiness: 1/10 (10 most active)
What Should I call you?

It´s Your Rose Baby!

Name: (Last, First)
Age: (16-19)

HighSchool: ( Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
Power: (Night Control Is Taken)
Back-Up Power:
(Black Rose Plot is Taken)
Back-Up Plot: 

Hometown -(It has to be Seoul)
Ethnicity - (At least half asian)
Bloodtype - 
Height - 
Weight - 
Languages -
 (Up to 4. State fluencity.You need to be fluent at Korean at least.)


Background - (Quality over quantity, but at least 1 paragraph. Talk about when she got her power and the place she lives.)

Personality - (Quality over quantity, but at least 2 paragraphs. Remember that no one is perfect, so I want Flaws.)

Likes -(+5)
Dislikes - (+5)
Hobbies - (+2)
Fears: (+2)
Habits -(+3)
Trivia - (Unlimited)

(Bullet Form please >.<)

It´s Your Face, Your Style >.<


Ulzzang Name- 
(Hyperlink it)

Back-up Ulzzang Name- 
(Hyperlink It)

Style - ( A Little Description)

Home:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Link It)
Casual:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Link It)
Formal:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Link It)
School: (Choose which of these 3 uniforms you like more, click on them. The uniform that has more votes will be the one that every girl will wear.) 1, 2 or 3?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Link It)
Combate Clothes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Link It)
Extra Things: (like Tattoos, Piercings, Scars, etc...)

More People to Know :P


What is to you| Name | Age | Ocupation |Dead, Alive | Relationship with each other
(You can have idol sinblings but they wont be Idols)                                                                                                        

Friends: (Up to 3)

Name | Age | Ocupation | Relationship with each other

Best Friend: 
( Choose one of the other Roses to be your best friend and how do you act around each other.)


You Love Me, I Love You!


(Change Kris´s photos with your Prince)


How you meet - 
Personality -
(Be especific)
How you act around each other -
(Friends, Strangers, Best Friends, Hate Each Other, Rivals, Enemies)

Back-up Prince -
Power-                                                                                                                                                                How you meet - 

Personality -
(Be especific)
How you act around each other -
(Like Above)


If You want...

Scence Requests:


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