A story about myself spazzing over a guy ^0^



Okay, so there is this guy who I have been crushing on who is in a year above me. We don't actually talk and what's worse is that we're not even friends- I just somehow know him through a friend. It all started like 2 months ago when I saw him at church and he sat a few seats away from me, he smiled and yeah you could figure out what happened next. I spazzed.

Anyway, so everyday at school his group sits next to mine and sometimes we share like 2 second eye ​ contact, but that's all, like nothing more ASDFGHJKLLNCMKSANKCFL. So today I decided to visit a bookstore and I was so hypnotized over the books that I didn't bother turning my head and wondering who walked by until like 3 seconds later when I turned to my right and saw HIM! And again that intense eye contact happened...


It was like at the corner of the bookstore and we were like the only customers. My cheeks were literally burning up cause he was right next to me and at one stage, we almost  grabbed the same book ^0^ LIKE OMFGGGG, he started moving closer and closer until he found his book and just left -_-




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i've been on that condition before - make eye contact, meet him frequently. however, on my situation, i leave him :( b'cause i am moving to a new sch. so sad! until now, i still having crush on him! srsly!!