Okay, omg. First of all, let me guys thank you for taking your time to subscribe to my stories and for taking your time to read the things I write! Today I noticed that I have more than 200 subs and wow. I never really expected I'd get many of you to like my stuff. I just feel really blissful right now.

When I log in and see I have new comments, new subscribers, and even when I see people upvote my things, I just get that feeling inside my chest. I really really never thought I'd even get more than 10 subscribers as I'm not that good at writing and English isn't my first language. But tonight, I just feel very lucky and all thanks to you. This might not seem like a big thing to you guys, but to me, I just feel like I've done something right for the first time in my life! Thank you so much. It had been a long time since I felt this happy. By the way, thank you so much for voting of the poll! I really love you, guys. 


OH! And...



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LittleSpoiled #1
Lucky .
^_^ glad that you're happy right now.. keep on updating cuz the story was sooooo cool.............. like it so muchhhhhhhhh... <3 hehehe..
YES! YES! YES! 2NEXO :) pleasssssssssseee =3=
Love ya too! <3 Thanks for making such good stories~!