Goodbye big bro

So, as many of you don't know, my brother will be studying in another part of our country. That means he has to move out. 

Okay, so if I have to believe my parents, the bond between my brother and me never really has been good, but the past few months I started to feel like our bond started to reveal, if you know what I mean. 

Anyways, my big bro will be moving out tomorrow and I hate the idea of him not being around here anymore. Okay yes, he could be a jerk and yes he would bug me and my sisters a lot but he also stood up for us. Even for me. Whenever we had trouble, he would comfort us. Whenever we spoke about boys, he would interrogate us about the boys we were talking about. Whenever we needed help with our homework, he would help us. Whenever we had a fight with our parents, he would take our side. 

He once went to China for a school project for three weeks. My sisters, parents and me went to Spain in those weeks but I still felt like there was a gap. We just weren't complete. 

When we stood in front of the bus he would ride for some long hours bedore arriving at the airport to board the plane to China, I cried my eyes out. My eyes were completely black because yeah, I didn't think I would cry because I'm not that sentimental, and my make up wasn't waterproof. 

I really don't want to know how much I'm going to cry tomorrow, but I know for sure that I won't be wearing any make up tomorrow. It feels like school is ripping us apart. 

I'm not very worried though. I know he can take care of himself and whenever he has a problem, no matter how big, he will stay calm and look for a solution. He also gets used to changes very fast (just like me, hehe^^) so moving to a completely new city won't be that much of a problem for him, especially since he's close to the centre of the city. 

I know I will be moving out in two years myself but the idea of not being together will always be uneasy for me, and I don't think I will get used to this change that fast. This will be my first test of letting my family go, even if it's just one family member. My family means the world to me and I don't know what to do without them. 

I am crying as I'm typing this, so I guess not putting on make up tomorrow would be a great idea. 

A nice thing though is that we are going to visit him this Sunday :D I'm really looking forward to it ^^ 

Right now, two of my brother's closest friends are here to say goodbye in their own way. Gaming, drinking a beer and joke around. 

I will miss his bugging. 

I will miss his laugh. 

I will miss his rare hugs. 

I will miss his funny stories. 

I will miss him. 

I will miss my brother. 

No one can replace your big brother. He is the first friend you'll have in your life and he'll always be there for you, just like you'll always be there for him. 

Sem, big bro, I love you with all my heart and I will miss you every day...




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I can't really say that I feel you there because I don't have a big bro (I'm the eldest) but I feel your sentiments in the fact that you're going to miss him.

I'm never good at "goodbye"s and stuff like that. And I'm also not the kind of person that adjusts easily so I know how hard it is to watch a family member leave. Well, like you said, he'll be alright so that lightens up a bit of the pain right? :)

It's okay to cry your eyes out :") I'm sure your big bro will deeply appreciate that <33 stay strong!