Ambience Ulzzang Contest

So i've recently heard of this Ambience Ulzzang Contest by Silmaril_HUE. I don't know if it's only me but i've never really seen an Ulzzang contest before.

For those who don't know what 'Ulzzangs' are,they are simply really attractive people,they get famous just for their looks. There's a show called 'Ulzzang shidae' if you want to watch it where they invite 'ulzzangs' over to see if they look like the selcas they've posted.

Okay,so for this contest,there are five catergories you can choose from, Best Smile,Best Natural,Best with makeup,Best with food and Best Smile. You can choose a maximum of two catergories to participate in. Photoshop is allowed but not too much.

It's quite simple actually, you just need to fill out a form and write a blog post. Like mee. So,you need exactly 5 photos of yourself in order to participate. Not enough? It's okay,there's still time to take more :3

Whenever there's a contest,surely there'll be a prize right? And this contest is no exception.

For the first place,you get 100 or more karma points. 4 upvotes and a sub to each of your fanfics. Also a place on star.

2nd place you get 75 or more karma points,3 upvoted and a sub to each of your fanfics. And a place on star.

3rd place will get 50 or more karma points,2 upvotes plus a sub to each of your fanfic. And a place on star.

Now,what is a 'star' you ask? It's short for 'Star Gallery' Your picture will be on the foreword of other upcoming contests. Daebak yeah? 

And for this contest,there will be three rounds,the judges will choose the more attractive half to enter the first round. For the second round,the audience gets to choose their favourite from each category,remember,the one with the most votes will win. The last round, all the surviving contestants will compete against eachother and both the audience and judges will decide the ultimate winner. All contestants who manage to enter the third round will get 1 sub and an upvote to 2 of your stories.

The voting dates will be released soon.

I joined the 'Best smile' catergory but i'm quite insecure and ugly so i think the most i can make it to is the 2nd round and the contestants so far are so pretty. I'm hoping to see some boys too (so they can give me some eye candy ;) but i'm sure there are alot of attractive boys out there too. So if any of you have any attractive friends (especially boys :3) do ask them to join this contest as it will help to boost their confidence,and you never know,you yourself might be the ultimate winner :D


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