You know?

You know when you feel like people are staring at you, it upsets me...

I just want to die everyone points and stares i mean dylan is by me all the time and it makes me feel horrbile that i'm taking him away from his friends...

I don't know what to do...I'm "Getting Help" for my depression but it's not enough...I still cut....It's never going to be enough....Never i'll never get better so can i just stop trying? I've did my best all i want to do is have this baby and be done with all of this! Like no guys will talk to me anymore, no girls with be friends with me. I don't know i hate myself so much! I can't stop i'm stupid and an idiot, feeling worthless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to leave school it's to hard and stressful!


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I suggest you ignore them. Just be yourself. School , we all know. But please, try your best.
1. Ignore those s. They are not the ones you need to pay attention to or worry about. You need to focus on yourself and that baby.
2. Your 'getting help' will only work if you let it. If you keep fighting against it, it will never work. You have to give in and let it help.

Even after everything, you know I'm still here for you if you ever need to talk about things.
My daughter , ignore them . Don't let things get to you ! if they just stare or point at you maybe they're just jealous of you :) just be yourself and don't hurt yourself too much :D this happen before to my friend , but I had a little talk with her and the next day , she was being herself and she was smiling and laughing and having fun , so just be yourself and ignore them . Like they're not even here or there :D
Honey, ignore those people and don't let outside things get to you! People like that are just jerks and are jealous. If girls and guys don't talk to you at school, don't worry about it. Just ignore them and be yourself. And please stop hurting yourself Honey, it's not fun at all and it's really painful.