Idol Confession #97

Well, seriously saying.. I am another example of those who failed to roleplay. Firstly, I fall in love with a girl who rejected me from the beginning. I was like, yeah.. whatever. There's plenty more people to have. Then, I failed again to say yes to a girl who loved me. And I was like, I hope she will find a better people to love. But I fall in love with a guy and he rejected me too. I was so sad. Then, someone confessed to me. I wanted to say 'Yes' regarding to my heartbroken condition but then that previous guy I loved said that he is willing to accept me. But sadly, the next day when I was ready to announce that we're couple, he already left me and this place without any warning. And I've rejected that girl. I feel so stupid. So I went and PM her to say sorry but it turns out that she left the place too. To make it clear, she was kicked out because since I rejected her she didn't get online again. Like, ever. And I feel bad. If you ever had this situation, I will send out my loves to you. And if you had a situation worst than this, I hoped for your happiness.



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Oh wow.... *opens my arms* wanna have a hug?
Talk to me hm? I had the same .... Ok similar situation in another rp *laughs bitterly*