Don't you just hate it when....

...You're writing a really long and awesome chapter for your story and then suddenly something happens, like your computer shuts down unexpecedtly or you hit the back button, and EVERYTHING YOU'VE WRITTEN, ALL THE WORDS AND SENTENCES YOU'VE TYPED, ALL THE WORK YOU'VE WORKED HOURS ON, IS DELETED!?

It's happened to me.


One time, I lost everything I had written in a 4-5 hour sitting and I was so pissed!!! Aaaaaahhhhhh All the thought I had put into it and the hard work I've done.....Gone. Deleted. ;A; whhhhy???

It made me feel soooo discouraged ;m;
Next time, I'm writing everything out on Microsoft or Google Drive....

Well, I learned from my mistakes...... ;m;


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