I really don't know how to thank God for the blessing that I've received today.


Last weekend, I took a very important exam, an engineering licensure exam. I knew I was completely lacking but by the grace of God I have answered the questions confidently. No, I was not confident because of myself. Truth be told,  I was crying because I felt unprepared compared to the other examinees who studied for months. I only knew that I have my God, I have Jesus, my Lord and Savior. He already gave me the strength and wisdom so I could study, I did my best and leave everything else to Him. I believe that my Father in heaven would never leave me fighting this battle. There's this verse in Bible that says, "Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's." So, why should I be afraid? God already took the battle. I'll just have to put my faith in Him. Two thousand years ago, He already did it, won it. Jesus won the victory over our greatest problem, how much more this little thing, right? Yes, I was still nervous but ultimately I believe that no matter what happens, pass or fail, God's will for me is perfect and pleasing.


To cut the story short, I received a very happy news today that I've passed! I'm so thankful and grateful that even though I'm undeserving, He still pours blessings after blessings, favors after favors into my life.


I just want to say thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You and I offer this achievement to You! To God be all the glory!


To those who are weary, to those who are in a battle right now,  I just want to encourage you to never lose hope. Always remember this promise of God:


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33



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Congratulations Lennah! :) I like the verse you just posted, I've been feeling a bit down lately and [John 16:33] made me realize that I am not alone in my battles. Through this blog post of yours, I am once again reminded of His promises. Thank you..
Praise God! This is such an encouraging testimony.