♦ — black, white and read all over || kim boa ||


Kim, boa

DOB ) 1994 june 23
AGE ) 19 years old
BIRTH PLACE ) seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN ) seoul., south korea
     • korean - native/fluent

GRADE YEAR ) first year.
MAJOR ) the sciences - chemistry 
GPA ) 3.0 

1ST FACE CLAIM ) Jin Jae Young.
               VISUALS ) gallery 

2ND FACE CLAIM ) Lee Jung Ha
               VISUALS ) gallery

APPEARANCE ) Her hair at the moment is her natural brown, but the ends are dip dyed blonde like this. Her locks are normally tied up messily on top of her head in a bun or ponytail, with stray strand hanging loose around her face. She also has her belly pierced. She literally is blind as a bat. If she doesnt have her glasses on her then well she wont know whats in front of her until she hits it, thus she has thick framed glasses either on her face or in her bag. If she isn't wearing her glasses, then she is wearing her contacts. Furthermore, her hands are normally equipped with talons fake nails, as she has a habit of biting her nails so they don't look appealing, but she wears stupidly long nails sometimes which makes it difficult for her to write.

FASHION SENSE ) Boa's fashion sense depends on her moods. If her day is boring and she isn't doing anything ad stuck on campus then she'll dress like her wardrobe spat out random bits of clothing at her. But to be honest, when she goes out her dress code doesn't really seem to improve because she choose comfort over style. She tends to sport the jogging pants and big hoodies Only when she is fully motivated, excited and enthusiastic will she dress nicely.

Campus boring days aka fat slob days (also used when she dances) :  1 2 3 4 5

Casual : 1 2 3 4

Nice ; 1 2 3 4


CHARACTER TRAITS ) Carefree, Cocky, Boisterous, Impulsive, Down-To-Earth, Rude


If people were asked to describe Boa in one word, carefree would be the word that came up the most. She never seems to have any worry in the world. To her each day is precious and she lives it like it's her last, she doesn't let anything get her mood down or how she would put it "piss on her bonfire". As being the youngest in her family, she has always been like this, as her parents babied her and she never had any major responsibilities to take care of or worry about. With this attitude, Boa normally brings happiness to others, she instantly lightens up gloomy moods with her cheerfulness. Sometimes when she is in the best of moods, she'll skip around or dance around campus. 

'Boisterous Boa' is her infamous nickname that she earned from her teachers, becaue she always talks in her lessons and just generally making a racket in class even if it's getting equipment out of her bag. She never really learn't how to be quiet, and it wouldn't be a shocker if she didn't know the definition of the word. Everything she does seems to be loud including eating. She's always very energetic especially when in dance and soccer, she's always been the sporty, athletic tomboy kid in high school being picked as the captain of the team, and that hasn't changed. She's always full of energy, and cannot sit still for the love of god. She has to be constantly moving even if its just  moving her hand of leg, which really irritates her friends. But that does not stop at night. Oh no. She sleep walks, talks and snores making it a living nightmare for her dormmate. 

There are a couple of things Boa is pretty goddamn good at, for example, Dancing and Soccer, and hell does she know it (her pride knows no bounds!). If your unfortunate enough to bump into her after dance or soccer practice then you'll hear how she aced this dance move, scored a goal in that match, Boa will literally lecture you on how good she is at those things - you may even be unlucky enough to get a demonstration! With the cockiness comes her competitve streak, in any game whatsoever, Boa aims to win even if it's the card game, Top Trumps. She can be a very determined girl and when she's in a game, she becomes focused and in her 'zone', blocking everyone out. She's pissed many people off when she gets all competitve, especially when she loses, being a sore loser and all. Boa ignores and holds grudges against people who beat her, and when they confront her she denies all of it and gives them a sugary sweet smile, and then es behind their back to her friends about how she should have won, failing to acknowledge her opponents skills. She is a plain example of why pride is one of the seven deadly sins. 

Boa is a very down to earth girl, which can make her unintentionally rude. She is very realisitic and honest, brutally honest. Get a new hairstyle your in love with and ask her opinion of it, if she hates it, she'll tell you. "Are you on crack? It's awful." There's no sugar coating it when it comes to Kim Boa. But at least people know its her honest opinion, and not lies as that is one thing Boa hates. So why would she do something that she hates? She is also very realistic & practical and hates people who have their heads in the clouds. This young lady is also an impulsive thinker, she'll say something which could end up hurting someone, and then only realise when the damage has been dealt, leaving her to drown in her own sea of guilt. 



Boa was born into a very wealthy family. She has two older brothers, a mother and a father, making her the maknae of the family. Her parents both have very important jobs - Her father a scientist and her mother a businesswoman. Both of her parents were hardly ever at home, as her mother was always away on business trips and her father working from early in the morning to very late in the night. To compensate there absence, Boa's parents hired a nanny that looked after her and her brothers. The nanny however, hated Boa. She never did what she was told, always running around the house way past her bedtime, whereas her brothers, Joonmyun & Jaehwa were obedient. 

When it came to starting school, Boa was actually very punctual like her brothers, and enjoyed learning. She was always getting high grades especially in sports. She joined an afterschool dance club, which she absolutley loved. Unfortunatley, as the years past her eunthusiasm towards learning decreased. She started to ignore her teachers, and just basically blag her school years. Boa recieved many scoldings from her parents as her grades very slowly slipped from A+'s to C+'s/B-'s, even Joonmyun and Jaehwa tried to encourage her to try harder, but it was pointless, Boa just couldn't be bothered as her excuse was 'I'm still a kid, i want my childhood to be fun!'. However, Jaehwa and Joonmyun still worked hard, and when the time came, Jaehwa went to study abroad and to travel as he wanted to be a language teacher in another country. Joonmyun went on to get into the XO academy, which their parents paid for him. He soon became one of the top students, becoming the president of the student council. 

Boa was also encouraged to join XO academy by her family. Fortunatley she managed to get in and her parents also paid for her too. She chose Chemistry as her major, more because she understood that subject the most, in addtion, her father encouraged her to choose it as he had a job as a scientist, and wanted his children to work in the sciences too. Although, Boa would have preferred doing a sports major, or something at least more exciting and amusing, but she didn't want to disrespect her father, and she is at least doing Soccer and dance in her extra curricular activites.


-Food ; More junky food & western food eg, doughnuts, fries, sweets
-Coffee ; Keeps her going through the day
-Onesies/Pajamas ; Wears them around campus sometimes
-Twitter ; She's a SNS addict
-Slippers ; She dislikes feet so she likes to cover them up with the fluffy, comfy shoes
-Cola ; Caffeine addict
-Drama programmes ; She literally acts like she's in the tv show when watching one, with all the "ohhhs" & "Oh no she didnt!"'s

-Feet ; Always hated them
-Studying ; Worst thing ever.
-People who are obssessed with work/education ; Hey, theres more to life than work, right?
-Alcohol ; She reacts very badly to it, and her tolerance for it is very low
-People waking her up ; Youngjae in chemistry is an exception as he's potentially saving her from a horrible after class date with her teacher.

-Sports ; Any sports she'll try her hardest
-Gaming ; She's a girl gamer and is pretty good at CoD.
-Evading Teachers ; It's like a real life version of pacman to her, when trying to skip class an not get caught.
-Eating ; Her jaw muscles are extraordinary. She loves nothig more to sit don and have a good snack, or two, maybe 3.
-Dancing ; She's always been into her dancing since she was a little girl.

-Sleeping - Snores, Talks, Walks
-Music - Taps her hands on things or clicks her fingers to the beat
-Can't sit still. At all.
-Sleeping in lessons (it's a daily routine for her now)

-Joonmyun when he's angry ; When she was little he shouted at her when he was furious. He made her cry for 5 hours. Snot and everything. Not pretty.
-Spiders ; Petrified of them.
-Heights ; She'll do anything to avoid them

-Literally blind without her glasses
-Chemistry is named 'Bedtime' on her schedule
-Is surprisingly strong. She beat Joonmyun in an armwrestle before
-She is ambidextrous, but prefers her right hand
-Favourite animal is a tiger
-Loves the colour purple
-Would rather have animals than a boyfriend
-Hates people who touch her face
-Very ticklish
-Hates people sitting on her bed


BROTHER - Kim, Joonmyun (or Joonie to her) - 22 - Student at XO Academy - TBD
Boa is basically the opposite of Joonmyun, and people fail to recognise that they're siblings until they actually state it. Whereas he was the brainy, perfect child, practically God in their parents eyes, Boa was the immature, annoying little kid, or Satan to their parents. When they were younger, Boa would pester her brother and annoy him especially when he was studying and doing his homework, normally shouting his nickname she has for him 'Jooniee' (which she stil uses even now) in a whiney voice, until he came into her room to see what she wants.. which was nothing. As they got older and both entered the academy, they don't really see each other as much. Joonmyun is normally busy with work and his clubs, and Boa is normally.. well somewhere other than class. Also, their choice of friends are very different and are the sort of people who do not associate with each other, so they never hang around with each other. But siblings are still siblings and they do love each other, and will stand up for each other and love each other. If Boa hears people slagging off her brother or they're spreading bad things about him, she won't hesitate to put them in their place declaring that she is the only one allowed to insult her brother (of course she doesn't admit to her Joonmyun she stands up for him). 


BEHAVIOUR ) Education is somewhat like a chore to Boa. She finds having to get up and physically go to lessons and just listen to teachers blabber on about things she can easily find out and learn by herself pointless but the fact her parents are paying for her education and that she's on the soccer team and does dance contemplates for the bad side. She doesn't hide the fact that she would prefer to be somewhere else, as she tends to find any excuse possible to skip class but on somedays she just doesn't get out of bed to go to class. On good days, she's either just in time for class or a bit late. 

On the otherhand when it comes to soccer and dance, she works her off. Every dance practice, every soccer match, she is there. Her attendance is perfect, and she will turn up even if she has the plague. Dancing has always been her hobby since she was a tiny girl and it still is. She is passionate about both these activities and enjoys them more than her actual education.

When she started school she was seen as 'Joonmyun's little sister' but she got rid of the label as soon as she got it, and now is seen as a somewhat deviant rebel as she skips lessons, sleeps in class, and ignores some of her teachers.

In school she hangs around with the soccer team the most. They are the people who share the same interests as her and the people she feels most at ease. But when she joined the Journalism club she spent a bit more time with them to sort things out and normally arguing with Baekhyun who got the better sports stories. 

ACADEMICS ) Natural intelligence runs through Boa's family, her parents are intelligent, Joonmyun is intelligent, so therefore Boa is. However this is her downfall, because she gets decent grades without trying she half-asses things. For example, if she was given a 4000 word (minimum) assignment to do, she would only do what it says and keep it to the minimum, as soon as she hits 4000 words, she'll stop. Furthermore, if she obtains her target grades or achieves the grades she needs for something, then she won't try harder to achieve higher than her target because.. well.. it's effort. As a result of this her grades are normally solid B's, nothing more or less.

Boa was never the one for studying and luckily she doesn't need to do, thankfully she has a photographic memory and can just read textbooks after textbooks of information and then she can easily remember and recall the information when needed. Her father also is a scientist so he gave her extra tuition on her sciences, so they are by far her strongest subjects, whereas she literally fails at any kind of language. It's actually apinful to hear her try and speak, she butchers the pronunciation.

Just like her, her homework is nearly always handed in late or never, but that's because she always leaves it till the last minute. Boa is the definition of procrastination, she can never find the willpower and effort to start homework when its set, so she'll just shove it down the side of her bed and maybe find it a couple of weeks later, crumpled up with coffe stains down it.

EXTRA CURRICULARS ) Soccer - Captain/Striker | Dance ensemble

MISC. NOTES ) She's got some awards from dance competitons - group  and solo.( 2 first place, 1 second place). Boa has also been banned from participating in soccer matches and dance competitions for skipping lessons before.  


BESTFRIEND* Liu, Amber - 20 - student of XO academy/Soccer team - Boisterous, Blunt, Hilarious, Loud, Sporty
Amber & Boa met on the soccer team, they never really talked to each other until they were both placed as strikers, and that was a match made in heaven. They worked together amazingly and were a force to be reckoned with. Ever since they both became strikers they would hang out and talk about the matches they played, complimenting each other on how well they played. In their free time they go out and kicka ball around teaching each other and showing each other new skills they've picked up. Some people would say Amber was Boa's partner in crime, they often skip their lessons, meet up and go to the cafeteria or shops to get food and just eat. Both of them are very alike in their personalities and they instantly clicked when they got talking. Many people say that they were sisters seperated at birth. 

BESTFRIEND / RIVAL*- Kim, Jongin - 19 - Student of XO academy - TBD
Boa and Jongin knew each other through the soccer teams and dance classes, as the girls and boys all got along. One day the girls dance group and boys dance group conjoined and they all had a major dance battle, showing off what they know. Jongin chose to battle Boa, and she ended up losing, which led to Jongin taking the piss out of her and always referring that he was the king of dance. Ever since, everything between them became a mini competition. Both being competitive sometimes things get a little violent with a few hit and smacks landing on each other when they get mad. When they're not at each others throats out trying to outdo each other, they're pretty chill with each other. 

FRIEND*- Lu, Han - 23 - Student of XO academy - TBD
Boa never knew Luhan personally until she managed to become captain of the soccer team. When she got the position she would look to Luhan for dvice he could give her as he's the boys' captain. He would help her with tactics and teach her different skills with the ball. In a way she would say that he's her mentor, and would often call him 'seonsangnim' (teacher). 

FRIEND / CLASSMATE*- Yoo, Youngjae - 19 - Student of XO academy - Intelligent, Quiet, Conservative, Observant, Hardworking
Youngjae is basically Boa's life saver in Chemistry. He's always there to cover for her, and will even make excuses for her as to why she's late or why she hasn't turned up, even though after a while, the teachers blatantly know he's lying for her. Both of them are the two top people in the class so when they are paired up to carry out experiments, Boa see's this as the time for a nap as she knows that Youngjae has totally got it under control and that she can just read up about the experiment later. Thats until the teacher comes around assessing the students, and once again, Youngjae being the lifesaver that he is, would either kick her leg or thump her over the head with a book to wake her up and shove something chemistry looking into her hands to look like she's busy. Basically without Youngjae chemistry would be alot more boring, harder and frankly suicidal for her.





POSITION ) Writer/Reporter
SECTION ) Sports

HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT THE JOURNALISM CLUB? ) "Let's just say I didn't find out by choice or curiosity. It was my older brother Joonmyun. He's been going on and on and on about it for ages. Before I came to the academy, he would visit me and my parents explaining the idea he had of a journalism club. When i finally got into the academy I seen posters on literally every wall about the new journalism club and realized that Joonmyun was being very serious and was very determined about this."

WHAT'S YOUR OPINION ON THE SCHOOL NEWSPAPER? ) "Well.. I've never been a big reader of newspapers.. to be honest i don't think I've ever touched one in my life, but after Joonmyun literally shoved a copy of the school's newspaper in my face, I was forced to read it, and I was actually quite surprised. Not all of it was too my liking, but there was a pretty decent page about sport that got me hooked, and now I read every copy that's published."

WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN? ) "I've always been passionate about sports, like my soccer and dancing, so I would like to show the rest of the academy what it's about, and because I'm apart of the school team, I have many opinions and stories I'd like to share, aaaand Joonmyun has also been on my case saying that I had to do more in school, so I thought this is what I should do!"

WHEN DID YOUR CHARACTER JOIN THE CLUB? ) Boa is one of the last few to join. She never really seen the point in it to begin with, and it seemed like it wasn't her thing. I mean, school was enough for her, and more writing on top of that? Nah. But it wasn't until she read the newspaper that she decided it didn't seem so bad if she could write about sport. 

HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER ACT IN THE CLUB? ) Boa's still not the quickest or the most efficient worker out there, but her reports for the newspaper have priority over her chemistry and other schoolwork. Sometimes she can turn her reports in a little later than when she actually said, but what she writes is pretty damn good and descriptive as she's writing about something she loves. Within the club she has a rivalry between Baekhyun about who can get the best story, and Boa doesn't like to lose, she'll even skip her chemistry lessons just so she can find a good story, or take time to write it up. Ever since joining, Boa spends most of her spare time and skipping lesson time  in the club room/office room as she feels safe, and that the teachers can't get her in there.


SCENE SUGGESTIONS ) - i can't think of any atm ;_; it's really late here, and im so sleepy. I will right some if i think of any :) 

COMMENTS/QUESTIONS ) I left Luhan and Jongins traits as TBD for the other applicants, if that's okay :3, and i apologise if i've bored you xD EDIT- Minki has now transformed into Youngjae in the friends section because he's 19. I've cleared the 'down to earth' trait with Cass aswell ^-^

ANYTHING ELSE ) Cass - S U H O || B A C O N || <3 || Belle -  J O N G I N || C H E N || <3 || S H - Sorry for the spam xD



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