I don't know what to feel anymore :(

I feel like an outcast even though I have tons of friends. They're all nice and funny, really. But how come I feel like I'm an outcast? Is it because I'm still stuck on my highschool memories? I'm still stuck with my highschool friends? Is it because I can't let go and just accept that I'm not with them anymore? I really don't know. I'm confused and sad and lonely. Everytime I go to school, I just want to get everything over with. I want to go home. I want my mom. I want my pillow. I want my blanket. I want my friends. I want to be me again. I can't laugh like the way I used to anymore. I can't talk as much as I want to anymore. I can't do anything anymore. I feel so lonely. Why is that? We joke around. We eat together. We laugh together. We share secrets and stories like friends should but how come? How come I can't feel the connection? How come there's no spark? I'm sad. I want to graduate. 

I just hope and pray that, this too shall pass.


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i pray that this will pass for you ! (:
you aren't alone .. i feel the same way .. but with me mines crazy .. i feel sad, lonely .. depressed .. it's just weird and i have no idea why i feel like that when i have good family, friends and boyfriend ..

try to be positive, that's what i'm trying and it's been working lately ! usually i have a breakdown and cry for no good reason and i havent had that for a month or so !
just always think that you have good friends, good family and that they are there for you no matter what !

anyways, i'm here if you want someone to talk to (:
hope everything works out for you ! you aren't alone, no one ever is.. it's just a mind set type of deal! hope that makes sense !