Meeting Poppin' Hyun Joon, Choi Junho, and Crazyno

So I went to my first kpop concert this past Sunday, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan....And actually, before the kpop artists came out to perform, I went to the waiting room under the stadium, walked right in, bowed to all of them and said in Korean that I was a big fan of Poppin' Hyun Joon, and then in English asked could I please have a picture with him? The manager started saying a bunch of stuff in Korean, then Crazyon piped up from across the room, translating into completely perfect English that no photos or autographs were allowed until after the show was over, and I nodded saying I understood (I had never heard of Crazyno before I saw the posters around town advirtising that he was coming...I didnt know at the time that he was Aussie, but his perfect English accent made me instantly suspect that he was from an English speaking country).

The manager was really nice to me actually, didnt try to grab me or throw me out...probably cause I was acting like a normal human being and not a crazy fan girl, lol (One of those girls went crazy when Kim Ji Hoon went on took three security guards to get her off of him! But I digress...).

  Then Hyun Joon was like, I can shake your hand though! I was like, Oh really? Is that ok? He was like, Oh yeah of course! stood up, came right over, and we shook hands. Just as he was turning to go Choi Junho came barging into the room hollering in English, Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! and all the rest of the guys in the room (Honey Family was esp hollaring) started yelling along with him, so Hyun Joon came back and gave me a hug, while everyone cheered and yelled.

I told him then that I was a big fan of him and his wife since I saw them perform on Immortal Songs together, and he was kinda surprised, but happy, and told me to come find him after the show was over so we could have the picture together.  And then, since i had VIP seating (thanks to my local Korean friends who I was with who had connections there) it so ended up that I got to sit in the front with Poppin' Hyun Joon and Choi Junho. Hyun Joon kept making eye contact with me and smiling or waving. And since I was sitting next to Choi Junho I got a picture with him too. Pretty awesome. =D

Honey Family sat right behind me and one of the guys to the side of me, but I honestly hadnt heard of them until then, and cant say I was all too impressed with their behavior either...but i wont defame them, what they did/do is their own business, not mine.

When Poppin' Hyun Joon and Choi Junho took the stage, it was like a dream come true...They were amazing and set that stage on fire. 

at the end of the show all the VIP's were invited to come up to the front and dance Psy's Gentlemen together with all the kpop stars...that was pretty cool too, since i know the dance.

 Yeah! i got to dance with kpop stars!!! XD Then after the show was over Hyun Joon motioned me to come over and we took a picture together. It was pretty awesome.

I wanted to take a pic with Crazyno too, but sadly he apparently fell and got injured during the Psy Gentelman dance off, so he was whisked off before any of us could get near him.




Me with Poppin' Hyun Joon =)



...and me with Choi Junho!! (one of Poppin' Hyun Joon's awesome dancers for those of you who dont know...I always thought he was huge after seeing him on Immortal Songs and Dream Team....but heck! He's HUGE! lol....=D


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