
What I hate most about going back to school:

The first years.


I'm in my last year of school - finally! And tomorrow will be my last first day. And it'll only be exam years, so my year and third years. And those third years are as annoying as hell .-.

But, I've been through so many years of annoying first years and they seem to get more annoying as time goes on.

They wear face on their make-up (no, I didn't mix them up), their voices get higher and higher, they come up to my waist, they stand in the way, they laugh too much, and are just generally annoying little -

And now I sound like a b*tch. OTL

But seriously, the most phrase in our school is: Stupid first years *massive sigh*


They clog up the hallways so much! When a tall person is coming your way with an expression that looks like this:



I am not kidding when I say that guys will just push them out of the way. They don't care about first years.


I signed up for Cairde (I have a feeling I spelt this wrong), though, which basically means Friends. I thought it'd be good for my CV and I want one of those hoodies

So, I have to show first years around for the first week.



Oh, yeah, I'm also worried about whether I'll have anyone to sit beside in my classes and whether or not I'll be moved into Oridnary or Higher for the exams.

And I'll have to study hard this year


And I want to retreat back into the magical world of kpop and biases and fanfiction .... /sobs uncontrollably on the floor

I better get off AFF, I have to be up at 7:30am, earlier than I've been up all Summer T^T

But at least I get the 28th off ^u^


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Man when does your school start??
My school starts at 7:15 so I have to get up at 6 since the drive takes so long and I sleep past my alarm a bit :3
No but seriously where did the summer go >.>
I think freshmen are annoying just because we haven't learned to tune them out. Like I easily ignore the people in my grade that are like them because I've been with them for so long. Just adjusting? >.<
Honestly I ignore them until one of them challenges me and then I shoot them down with knowledge. Little creepers ain't going into college like me. Nobody got time for their nonsense.
OMG I totally agree with you! I'm a sophomore (did I spell that right?) and the freshmen are so effin annoying! They act like they're the best and what not, they wear so much make up, and OMG they freaking wear clothes that are too revealing and their attitudes are just WTF!!! Urgh I just want to beat the cray cray out of them. /flips table
good advice xD (I'm going into my first year)
Darling, I feel your pain. I'm in my last year too before I head off to university and ABSOLUTELY HATE the new first years!!! They and their attitude STINKS!! No respect for the older student. We have uniforms and when we pull them up about the dress code, they're more vex than us and want to tell their form teachers that we bully them. >.<