Welcome to Anima University: Application {Song Hyorin}


Welcome to Anima University!


General Information


http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m93xuin2uO1qc3n3vo1_400.pngFull Name: Song Hyorin

Gender: F

Age: 19

Birthdate: 05/14/94

Birthplace: Gangnam

Hometown: Gangnam

Ethnicity: Korean

Citizenship: South Korean Citizen

Language(s): Korean (fluent) English (Fluent) Chinese (Basic)




Name of Ulzzang: Lee Soobin Gallery~



Name of Back-Up Ulzzang: Jung Hyunjoo Gallery~



Style: Hyorin is not one for wearing a lot of makeup. The only makeup she usually wears is eyeliner. She will wear more makeup if shes going out somewhere or for a special occassion. Her hair falls naturally straight, and she likes to keep it that way. She has her hair up a lot of the time because she doesnt want it to get in the way of her training, so you'll only see her hair loose if shes on a break or when she goes to bed. Clothes-wise Hyorin doesnt care much for fashion, but instead goes for comfort in things like jeans, shorts and the occassional dress, however you will see her dress up for special occassions such as a family graduation party or just a party in general. Although she goes for comfort and wears sneakers or converse rather than heels, she can also walk confidently in heels. In her family, if you're a woman it is essential for you to learn how to fight in heels because you never know when you might be attacked.

Casual/Everyday style: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Training style: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

Dress-up/Occassion style: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

PJ's style: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Gangnam style: 

Anything Else Interesting: Hyorin has a faint hourglass figure, due to her chest and hip size being bigger than her waist. She also has a simple tattoo on her left wrist (Click~) because family tradition dictates that she must have a tattoo of her familys symbol in case anyone tries to impersonate them. This tattoo also allows teachers to recognise her as a member of the Song Family, as all previous graduates of her family also had the same tattoo. She has scars from where she used to self harm, but the only ones that remained were the particularly deep ones-3 on her right arm and 2 on her left.

Best Attributes: For her, her best asset is her eyes, because they are quite big and a deep brown in colour. She also likes her height-not too tall but not too small either.

Insecurities: Doesn't like the size of her thighs in proportion to her body-she feels they need to be smaller for her to be truly happy with them. Shes also a bit heavier than she wants to be, even though she knows its due to her height, so she gets very conscious when people start talking about how much they weigh

Height: 169cm

Weight: 58kg

Tell Me About Her

5 Keywords to describe her personality: Sociable | Improviser | Stubborn | Strong | Loyal

Personality: Hyorin is a very outgoing and sociable person. She has a lot of friends, and can make new ones quite easily because she has a comfortable vibe about her that allows others to relax in her presence. She is a loyal person and will always stick by the people she cares for in their time of need, even if they dont want her to she'll still be there. She is good at giving advice to people and often believes this is because of how her mother is. Shes not your average frail girl, quite the opposite. She is strong both physically and emotionally. However this can be a bad thing because she tends to bottle things up inside of her and not share how she feels with others, and this means that it all builds up and it can get too much for her sometimes. This is what partly started her depression and self harm. When she saw her uncle kill her aunt and he threatened to kill her brother if she told anyone, keeping it a secret everyday was too much for her to deal with by herself so she started self harming to release her anger and depression. Thats all in the past however, she found different ways of dealing with both her anger and depression and stopped self harming. She still has a few scars remaining, but this just reminds her that she shouldnt go back to that bad point in her life. 

Shes stubborn as hell, much like her brother, and once she has an idea or opinion in her head, its practically impossible to get out. This can mean she is reckless sometimes, but generally she likes to make informed decisions about things before rushing into it. Hyorin is also very good at improvising and adapting to unexpected situations. This benefits her class as a rogue because she can think quick on her feet, and change/plan her moves according to a new situation quickly. Its very hard to scar her, the only way you'll do that is by dressing up as a clown. She also hates feeling weak and vunerable, because her whole family are strong along with her friends, she doesn't want to be seen as the weakest. Hyorin can be quite funny when she wants to be, and often her wit improves others moods-her father says she got it from him but she strongly disagrees XD

Hyorin doesn't feel pressure like others do, a useful trait when shes put in pressured circumstances. But despite this being a good trait, it means she doesn't always see the urgency of some things and prefers to take her time, making her a person who becomes very thorough when making decisions. She is ridiculously determined and doesn't give up on something when she starts, and her goal for university is to be the first person in her family ever to graduate directly as a ring master-the highest honour. Ever since a young age, Hyorin had her eyes set on this goal as she really wants to make her family proud of her. Her brother recently graduated from Anima as a Master and is now teaching at the school, so she is set on surpassing his achievements. She doesn't like over protective people because she feels like she can take care of herself, and is glad her brother respects her privacy and lets her get on with things in the way of friends and boyfriends. She is an observant person, and takes note of someones behaviour and how they think. This is also why she is taking Psychology as her major because she is really interested in things that affect you psychologically.

When Hyorin gets angry, she gets dangerous and careless. If she has to fight someone in this mood, she'll often be so angry she'll make mistakes, allowing her opponents to have an advantage over her. If shes not fighting though, she'll go to her dorm room and begin pounding the target on the back of her door with anything she can, thorwing knives, shurikens, kitchen knives until she feels better. So its probably best to leave her alone or you might end up with something sharp heading your way. After shes done taking her anger out on the target, she goes for a walk in the Animus gardens. She feels that in this place she is the closest to her element, and it helps her to calm down easily. She has a bench she'll often go to and just sit there and relax until she feels a lot better. Because of how stubborn she is, she holds grudges for quite a long time, unless you apologise prefusely for whatever it is you've done to upset her. However, if you've betrayed her in some way, an apology is just not enough and she'll hold that sort of grudge for ages. When she gets upset, which is not often, she wait for night to fall before she heads up to the roof of the South Dorm where she lays back and looks at the stars. She doesn't know why she goes there, but not many people go up and for some reason just looking at the stars makes her feel better.

She's rarely shy because of her outgoing personality, but when she is shy around someone it means that she really likes them, and you can tell because she has a habit of not making eye contact for long with that person. She can find it awkward  to express her true feelings which is why she often doesnt, if she does open up to you it means she trusts you 100% and you must be pretty special. Although she has a lot of friends, only a chosen few are her closest, most trusted friends and they are the ones she will do anything for, even giving her life in order to protect them! She cares a lot for her friends because whilst she is at Anima, they are the closest thing she has to a family (other than her brother XD). She helps out her friends by practicing with them, and you can find them in the gardens having practice fights after training finishes. She doesn't want to lose her friends, but she fears that one day they will just leave her on her own. They dont know about her monophobia, but they wont leave her anyways. Her friends are mainly boys, but she does have a few girl friends who share a room with her.


-Stars and the Moon


-Making friends

-Eating XD

-Studying psychology


-Healthy foods

-Mango bubble tea


-Feeling Weak

-Being controlled

-People being over-protective of her

-Hot chocolate



-Colour pink


-She puffs her cheeks when she gets bored

-When shes really concentrating, she frowns so it kinda looks like shes glaring

-Taps her foot when she gets impatient

-Tends to pout when shes confused about something or if something is unclear

-Sighs loudly when fed up or irritated

-Avoids eye contact if she get shy


-Hyorin has a target stuck on the back of her dorm room door, and is frequently found throwing knives/shurikens at it

-Reading is something Hyorin considers a hobby. She loves reading books where there is a heroine, its different from the usual guy that saves the day.

-Drawing is a favourite pass time of Hyorin and, while she might not be the best at it, she likes to draw things like flowers and scenery

-As much as she hates it, Hyorin goes for a jog every morning to keep her fit and to improve her stamina

-In her spare time, Hyorin has a tendancy to study other languages such as English and Chinese. Her uncle (by marriage) who lives with them, is American, so he taught Hyorin and her family Enlgish from a young age, as well as her mother having majored in English at Anima, which is why she is fluent. She still practices speaking English, but focuses more on Chinese.

-She has a small amount of flowers which she also takes care of everyday



-Monophobia-The fear of being alone. Hyorin has an irrational fear of people leaving her, such as her family and friends. She developed it when she was younger and her family were always out either working or schooling, she wasnt sure if one day they might not come back. 

-Asthenophobia-The fear of being weak. Her whole family are strong people, and she is afraid that she will be weak compared to them, and they will be disappointed in her. She also doesnt want her friends to see her as weak, she has a need to prove to them that she is strong.

-Coulrophobia-Fear of clowns. One halloween her brother dressed up as a clown and scared the life out of her. Ever since then she hasnt been able to go near one.

Does she have any special places to go to: When she needs to cool down after getting angry at someone, she'll first take it out on her target board and then likes to take a walk in the Animus gardens to calm her down. Walking in the gardens calms her down because its where she feels closest to her main element. She goes to the roof of her dorm at night when shes upset because she likes to lay down and watch the stars.

What is her dream: She wants to be the first person in her family to be directly graduated as a Ring Master.


 -Master both short and mid range techniques

-Graduate as a Ring Master (directly)

-Get a boyfriend by the time she's 20 XD


-She accidentally saw her Uncle murder her Aunt but she cant tell anyone because he threatened to kill her brother if she did

-Nobody knows about her monophobia. She doesnt tell people because they might think shes weak and stupid and she doesnt want to seem like she needs anyone else

-She used to self-harm when she first found out about what her uncle did, but she doesnt cut anymore, and instead uses things like punch bags or her throwing knives/shurikens to take out her anger and depression


-Shes ambidextrous (she can use both hands) which is handy when it comes to using weapons

-She is the third person in her entire family history to choose the path of a Rogue

-Her brother recently graduated as a Water Hero and a Master 

-Hyorin is the first Girl in her family to have the main element of Earth

-She has nightmares about what her uncle did and it prevents her from sleeping a lot



Childhood: Hyorin was born into a family of Anima graduates. Her family history goes far back, and each one of them was a graduate. From the moment she could walk, her parents along with the rest of her family taught her and her brother the basics of fighting. Her bed time stories were far from your average fairy tales, they were stories about her families experiences at Anima, and that is what made Hyorin want to be like them. At school, she was initially bullied by her class mates for being 'the rich kid', but after a couple of fights in the playground (which never ended well for the other guy), people left her alone. She made friends quickly after she got through the rough first stage, and people found that they could get along well with her. Her parents enrolled her and her brother into martial arts classes from the age of 5, and they both became quite accomplished fighters by the time they were 12 years old. Her mother and her American uncle taught the family English because it is a language a lot of people understand, so she became pretty fluentby the time she was a teen.

Teens: Her teen years were generally smooth and straight-she went to high school like any other person and made friends with a girl from the year above her, Kim Dasom, and her group of friends hung around this other group of boys which included a guy she didn't really know much about, but his name was Moon Jongup. However, she she was 16, something happened that she would have to keep a secret for the rest of her life, if she didn't want her brother to be killed. One day she was left home alone with her Aunt and Uncle (Hyorin had a day off school, her uncle had a day off work, her aunt was at home anyways, her dad was working, her mother had gone out shopping and her brother and cousin were at school). She headed downstairs for a glass of water to ease her sore throat when instead she heard arguing coming from the living room. She quitely opened the door just in time to see her uncle stab her aunt. Horrified, she turned to run to the phone when her uncle pulled her arm and stopped her. At first, he tried to explain to her that it was an accident but when Hyorin wasnt buying any of it, he turned sinister and told her that if she dared tell anyone, he would kill her brother. Not wanting to put her brothres life on the line, she kept it to herself and had to pretend to her family that she was up in her room and her uncle was 'out' when her aunt was murdered. The pressure of keeping a secret got too much for Hyorin to handle so she turned to self harm as a way for her to vent her anger and depression, her family unaware of the things she was putting herself through. When she was 18, she stopped self-harming after finding other ways to deal with it, and focused on getting a better life and applying for Anima. She still has nightmares about what happened though, and often wakes up in a cold sweat and unable to get back to sleep.

Current Time: From 18, Hyorin focused a lot on her studies because she knew she had to get in to Anima and carry on family tradition. On her 18th birthday, she got a tattoo of her family symbol on her left wrist to show that she was part of the family (another family tradition). With the help of her mother, she applied for Anima university and was recommended to the university by her martial arts teacher, who revealed that he also is a graduate of Anima. She learned that her brother had graduated and was now part of the staff at Anima, and on her first day he came and showed her around the campus. She was glad to get away from her uncle, even if it was only for four years.

How did she get in: Hyorin entered the University by submitting an application, however due to her family name she was also recommended for this university, so she had a higher chance of getting in than other applicants who also used this method.

Why did she want to enter this university: Her family have all graduated from this university, and in her house hold she was taught about it a lot. When her family told her stories of their experiences she also wanted to graduate from there, and she didnt want to let her family down and break tradition either.


Song Namsoo | 52 | 08/19/61 | Lawyer | Clever / Persuasive / Kind / Happy / Worrisome | 4

Namsoo is Hyorin's Father. He graduate from Anima University as a Fire Arch Mage (Alumni Master) with a Law degree. He chose to put the law dgree to use, and became a lawyer. He is very clever and due to his job, he is also very persuasive, and can generally persuade anyone of anything. He practices his magic at home, and used to entertain Hyorin and the others with it. Namsoo is kind hearted and always wants the best for people however, he worries. A lot. He's worse than Hyorin's mother and always phones Hyorin to see if she's okay, but if, for example, she is 5 minutes late from going out, he'll panic and become restless. Hyorin is close to him because he used to take her and her brother out to give her mother some time to relax, and Hyorin tells him a lot of things, and he always gives her advice.

Song (Choi) Eunri | 52 | 04/05/61 | Full Time Mother | Patient / Gentle / Calming / Understanding / Blunt | 4

As a full time mother, Hyorin and her mother are very close, and they talked quite freely about anything. Eunri is very understanding, so Hyorin found it easy to talk to her about anything and Eunri would tell it to her how it was. She has this calming aura about her, and often has to calm Hyorins father down if he starts over-worrying about something. Dealing with a houseful of people, Eunri learnt to be patient around others because other people need time to do or decide things. Being the blunt person she is, she tells things how it is as she believes its more helpful than sugarcoating something. She helped Hyorin with her application, as it was the way she entered the university. Eunri graduated from Anima as a Fire Bow Master (Alumni Master) and also studied English as her major.

Song Hyojoo | 23 | 03/07/90 | Master at Anima University | Persistant / Stubborn / Caring / Perfectionist / Polite  | 3

Her older borther Hyojoo recently graduated from Anima as a Water Hero, and chose to become a Master at the School. He is very polite towards others, and he's the type of guy who goes around and picks up a random bit of litter from the floor and puts it in the bin. Like Hyorin, he is very stubborn, and wont budge if he's made his mind about something. This also links with his persistant personality, where he wont quit if he needs to know or do anything. He's a perfectionist, which is why he was top of his class. Although they dont always see eye to eye, he cares a lot for Hyorin. He also lets Hyorin get on with her life, in the sense that he wont be nosey when it comes to her private life e.g. boyfriends and friends, but he will step in if anything is threatening to hurt her or affect her in some way.

Lee Henry | 50 | 06/20/63 | English/Korean Translator | Strategic / Intelligent / Strict / Scary / Opportunist | 1

Henry is Hyorins uncle (he married Hyorins mothers sister) and is originally from America. He moved in with their family and helped Hyorins mother to teach her English, and he has a job as an English/Korean translator. He also graduated as a transfer student from Anima University as a Wind Marksman (Alumni Master). He is very intelligent, but gives of a very powerful aura that makes him appear scary to other people. Initially, Hyorin didn't have a problem with him but, she accidentally saw him murder her aunt, and he threatened to kill her brother if she told anyone. She despises him for it but cant do anything because he really will kill her brother. He is a very good actor and, in front of the rest of her family, she also has to act as if they get along. She still doesn't know why he done it but knows there must have been a reason because her uncle never does something for no reason.

Lee Daesom | 17 | 25/10/96 | Student | Curious / Innovative / Happy / Kind / Outgoing | 3

Daesom is the only daughter of her aunt and uncle, Hyorin's cousin. She's yet to go to university but has made it clear she wants to go to Anima as well. She's very creative and likes to write stories in her spare time. A happy bunny, Daesom can light up a room and make everyone happy because of her infectious personality. Outgoing with lots of friends, she is often out of the house a lot. Daesom is curious about a lot of things, and is an eager learner who always has to find out the why or how behind something. Hyorin gets on well with her but, because of Daesoms fathers' actions, she finds herself holding back around Daesom.





Eris | 20 | Griffin | Loyal / Protective / Happy

Home: Hyorin's house is really big. Because of her father and her uncles well paid jobs, they can afford to pay for such a big house. Hyorins family live with her and all in all its; Hyorin, her brother, her parents, her aunt and uncle and her cousin. She gets on well with everyone except her uncle of course, and she made sure she had the bedroom that was the furthest away from his. She lives in gangnam, so its no surprise her house is fancy. Her house has 5 bedrooms-one each-(1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5), a kitchen, 3 bathrooms (1 | 2 | 3), a spacious living room and a nice garden with a small pool as well. The outside of her house looks similar to this.


Major, Class, Weapon, Affiliated Animal

Horoscope: Taurus

Major: Psychology

Minor: -

Class: Rogue

Weapon: For mid-range combat, hyorin uses her throwing knives or her Shurikens depending on what the situation is, and for close combat she uses her dagger. She is not afraid to fight bare handed in the case that she doesnt have access to her weapons, and wont mind breaking someones neck to get the job done.

Style of Fighting: Hyorin is all for attacking. She will be the one who keeps attacking her opponent to weaken them before delievering the final blow, however, she does know how to defend as well when she needs to. Defending will be a thing Hyorin sticks to if her opponent is a lot more skilled than herself. In that case she will wait for the opponent to attack before counter-attacking.

How many years has she been training: Hyorin has been training her whole life for this, generations of her family have graduated from Anima, in all different fields. She is the third in her family to choose the path of a Rogue.

Affiliated Animal: Kitsune - Hyorin's Kitsune does not have the ability to shapeshift. Instead, it possesses the 4 main elements (fire, water, earth, air) But specialises in Earth, strengthening Hyorin when called. It has white fur and electric blue eyes.

Platonic Relations


Lee Minyoung (Min) | 19 | 06/21/94 | Earth Rogue | Bright / Determined / Innocent / Friendly / Well Mannered  | 3

Min is like a little ray of sunshine. Every time she steps into the room the mood seems to be uplifted. Shes really good at cheering people up and comforting people. Shes very friendly and is friends with practically everyone Hyorin knows, but its no surprise with her bubbly personality. Alongside this, she is very well mannered and is the type of girl who will go and help an old lady cross the street. Shes innocent and can also be a bit naive, but people find it cute and it plays a big part in her overall charm. She's got fierce determination and loves a challenge and is also a friendly rival of Hyorins.

Kim Jongin (Kai) | 19 | 01/14/94 | Wind Archer| Flirty / Strategic / Intelligent / Outgoing / Loveable | 3

A friend of Lay and D.O, Kai is situated in the North Dorm where the wind Students are. Typical to his element stereotype, he is a person with a strategy, whether its pulling girls or fighting, he has one. He's a massive flirt, and prides himself on his good looks which make him so popular with the girls. However, he's not just a pretty face, he's also really clever. He's more knowledgeable than a lot of people suppose he is, and passes all of his exams with good marks. Kai is outgoing and very open with people, and he has a lot of friends and a lot of girls who want to be his friend. Hyorin sees him as more of a brother than an object of desire, and you cant help but love him, especially when he has his cute moments.


Han Sanghyuk | 19 | 07/05/94 | Earth Warrior | Sarcastic / Impatient / Decisive / Outgoing / Apologetic  | 3.5

Hyuk also studies psychology with Hyorin, and they sit next to each other in lectures. He gets really impatient about just about everything, and Hyorin often has to tell him to be more patient and then things will be a lot smoother. He is quite touchy and gets anrgy quite easily, sometimes taking something someone said the wrong way can put him in a bad mood, even if they didnt mean it. He's decisiveness comes with his impatience, he hasn't got all day for someone to decide what they should do so he does it for them. When he gets angry for no reason though, he'll keep apologising until he feels like he's said sorry enough times for it to be okay. Sarcastic and witty, Hyorin enjoys his company.

Zhang Yixing (Lay) | 19 | 10/07/94 | Earth Magician | Exitable / Wise / Short-tempered / Easily Embarrassed / Generous | 3

Originally, he didn't know Hyorin but after her and Kyungsoo became friends, he was dragged along to join the party. He's Kyungsoo's best friend and knows he has a crush on Hyorin. Lay gets over exited easily and can be very loud and tends to move around a lot when he's like that. He does get easily embarrassed, but often ends up emarrassing himself anyways. He's a generous friend who likes to treat everyone to a meal now and then, and doesnt hold back when it comes to spoiling his friends. He gets short tempered easily and this isnt really helped because he is quite sensitive so he can be a bit much to handle at times. Surprisingly, he is quite wise, and is like the agony aunt of the group-Hyorin and her friends go to him with their problems and he tries his best to sort them out.

  Kim Dasom | 20 | 05/06/93 | Earth Rogue | Happy / Persistent / Curious / Skilled / Intelligent | 4

Dasom has known Hyorin for a lot of her life. They went to the same school and even though Dasom was a year older, the two became good friends. Shes entering the uni a year late because she took a gap year where she went traveling all over the world experiencing different cultures. Dasom and Hyorin share the same room, and Dasom is also training to become a rogue. She always appears to be happy and you never see her down about anything because shes very optimistic. Shes curious to learn new things and is also very intelligent. She knows Chinese and Japanese and helps Hyorin to learn Chinese in their spare time. The two often practice together as they are both skilled, and determined to be the top of the class. Dasom is persistent, almost to the point of annoyance, and is always curious to find out the latest gossip in her group of friends. Because they are the only girls in their group of friends, they stick together and always have each others back.

Choi Junhong (Zelo) | 18/19 | 10/15/94 | Fire Rogue | Funny / Clingy / Curious / Devilish / Loyal | 3

The youngest of the group, Zelo is Jongups close childhood friend. He's really funny and usually teams up with Hongbin to make everyone laugh. He looks like an innocent boy, but looks can be deceiving as you'll find out if you know him for long enough. He loves to play pranks on people and his devilish side really emphasizes his main element of fire.  He loves his food and you'll usually see him shove something in his mouth. Hyorin sees him as a little brother and takes care of him. A loyal friend, Zelo is also curious about a lot of things because he doesn't always get what's going on around him.

Lee Hongbin | 19 | 09/29/93 | Earth Magician | Sarcastic / Witty / Shy / Easily scared /Blunt | 3

Hyuks best friend Hongbin is not like a lot of the other students in the South dorm, he is quite shy. When Hyuk first introduced him to Hyorin and her friends he was quiet but as soon as he was comfortable with everyone, a totally different Hongbin appeared. This Hongbin was really witty and funny and often teams up with Zelo to provide a laugh for the guys. He's really sarcastic about everything and when he's not, he's really blunt. If he offends you he doesnt mean to, its just cause its how he says things. Another thing that differs from other students in the South dorm is the fact that he's easily scared. Like you could make him jump repeatedly and he'd get scared every time. He doesnt like creepy crawlies and is the most afraid of spiders.

Best Friends: 

Moon Jongup | 19 | 02/06/94 | Earth Warrior| Smiley / Understanding / Random / Thoughtful / Kind | 5

Jongup is Hyorins best friend. They first met in high school, but where never that close. Their groups of friends hung around each other a lot which is how they know each other. When she saw him on campus and found out they were both in South Dorm, they both decided it would be best to hang around each other at first since they didnt know anyone else. Jongup is always smiling, and if he's not you know somethings wrong. He is very thoughtful and always puts other peoples needs before himself making him a kind person. He always tries his best at everything. As an understanding person, Hyorin often talks to him more than anyone else and because of this they became really close. Jongup does have his random moments, where he'll say or do something completely out of the blue and no one knows why, not even himself. But everyone loves him for it though!

Do Kyungsoo | 19 | 01/12/94 | Earth Archer| Quirky / Protective / Stubborn / Kind / Jealous | 4

Kyungsoo, or as everyone calls him, D.O, is Hyorins next best friend, only just though. Hyorin had just come back from training on the second day of uni, when she ran into D.O in the hallway. Literally. She wasnt paying attention to where she was going and walked straight into him, causing him to drop his books. She helped him pick them up and as an apology, bought him coffee the next day. The two gradually grew closer, and Kyungsoo's quirky charm made Hyorin feel comfortable around him. He's quite protective over his friends but tries not to obviously show it in front of Hyorin because he knows she doesnt like it when people are protective of her. He's just as stubborn as Hyorin and when the two get into a debate about something, they could be there for quite a while since neither will back down. He's not as close to Hyorin as Jongup is though, and often finds himself getting jealous of their relationship even though he doesnt mind Jongup.


Lee Minyoung (Min) | 19 | 06/21/94 | Earth Rogue | Bright / Determined / Innocent / Friendly / Well Mannered  | 3

Her personality mentioned above, Min is Hyorins friendly rival. The two compete in everything and constantly compare themselves. Its not a bad competition, they just believe that everyone needs a bit of friendly competition to push you a bit harder making you achieve better things.

Love Interests

Main Love Interest: 


Do Kyungsoo | 19 | 01/12/94 (Capricorn) | Seoul | Human Biology | Earth Archer | South Dorm | Dragon

Personality: Kyungsoo is a really nice guy. He's considerate towards others and their feelings, especially when it comes to his friends. His quirky personality makes him really easy to befriend and it's one of the things Hyorin loves about him the most. He makes a lot of friends quickly because he is outgoing and loves people in general. Like Hyorin, he is really stubborn and when the two end up in an argument, neither of them will back down so it ends up going on for a few days before they both forget about it and go back to normal. He is a very organized person, and needs to have everything done before moving on to something different. This trait means that he is good at getting things done regarding school work and he gets good grades as proof of his hard work. 

He doesn't get angry often because he's good at being ignorant when someone is annoying him. However, if you insult or hurt his friends in any way, he will kill you. Well maybe not that far, but he wil get really really angry. He tends to carry this anger with him and can end up taking it out on his friends. His training will be affected too, and he wont be as accurate as he normally is. He doesn't like openly displaying bad emotions to the rest of the group because he doesn't want to become some elses problems, so when he's upset he'll just keep it to himself. His friend Lay can tell practically any mood Kyungsoo's in, and annoyingly gives him advice and comfort when needed. Admittedly Kyungsoo is really grateful for the comforting, but he'll never tell Lay that himself! He gets jealous really easily and even though he likes Jongup, he gets jealous of their close relationship and either goes quiet or does something to change the topic they're discussing.

How did you meet: Their first meeting wasn't exactly love at first sight. It was more of an apologising frenzy on Hyorins behalf. Hyorin had just finished her training session and was going to meet Jongup in the gardens. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings because she was already ten minutes later than she was supposed to be and she didn't want to keep him waiting. Kyungsoo was just getting his books out from his locker when Hyorins ran straight into him, causing his books to fall to the floor. She apologised a lot whilst helping him to pick them off the floor, and she randomly said that she'd buy him a coffee sometime tomorrow and told him to meet her outside in the Animus gardens at lunch. She then proceeded to rush off and find Jongup. True to her word, she met him the next day and bought him coffee as a sorry for knocking his books over. He said it was okay, and the conversation then turned to introductions and what they studied and the two became friends. He started hanging out with her and her friends, dragging lay with him, and they both found themselves getting closer, until the only person who was closer to her than kyungsoo was Jongup.

What is your relationship with each other: They are best friends and always hang around together, they both know a lot about each other (not everything though), even down to their favourite colours and food. They are both the same age friends, but Kyungsoo is a bit older than Hyorin. They have a good relationship and hardly get into arguments and even if they do, they are back to being best friends the next day. For some reason, he is the only one Hyorin can't hold a grudge against and, as she starts to develop feelings for him, finds herself getting shy around him and wants him to like her. They dont know each others feeling yet, but all their friends know how they feel about each other and tease them when the other isn't around.

Who fell first: He fell in love with her first.

When did he/she fall in love: After that cup of coffee, Kyungsoo got to know Hyorin better and the two became really close. When he started hanging around her, he started feeling jealous when she would get close to Jongup and just ignored it. It took Lay to tell him that he was in love with her even though he already knew it deep down. His feelings for her continue to grow and he wants to confess, but hasn't yet because he doesnt know if she feels the same way or not.

When does the other fall in love: The day she fell for Kyungsoo, she fell hard. Literally. She was walking to meet up with everyone in the Animus gardens when she tripped and cut her leg. Hyorin being Hyorin just got up and kept walking even though by the time she got to her friends it was bleeding. Kyungsoo immediately went and got her some cream and a plaster and, despite not usually liking guys doing that sort of thing, was really touched. Since then, she hasn't looked at him in the same way. She now notices every little thing he does, his little habits and how his features are perfect. She cant meet his eyes for more than a few seconds at a time because she's afraid she'll get lost in them, and she suddenly became shyer around him. Her friends, of course, immediately noticed and began to when Kyungsoo wasn't around. 

Is there a secret he knows about: He doesn't know any of Hyorins secrets, but he does know shes scared of clowns because he showed her a picture of a clown and she literally clung onto him until the photo was gone, before trying to regain her composure.

Back-up Love interest: 


Moon Jongup | 19| 02/06/94 | Seongnam | Music | Earth Warrior | South Dorm | Hawk

Personality: Its really hard to hate Moon Jongup. He's always smiling even if theres nothing to smile about. He's always really comforting to people, and relates well to others and their feelings, making him really understanding which is why Hyorin talks to him about a lot of things. He is really thoughtful when it comes to people and he doesn't like doing anything that could hurt anyones feelings. He's generous and unselfish, and will do anything to help someone in need, especially if its one of his friends. He can be a bit 4D sometimes, and isn't ashamed to randomly start dancing about in order to cheer people up. 

He does however, get hurt easily because he is quite sensitive although he may not look it. You'll find that, if Jongup is upset, the mood of the group goes down as well. He studies music alongside being an Earth Warrior, and uses his dancing ability to express his feelings towards something. Although he is really friendly, he wont make the first move because he is quite shy. He rarely gets angry because he doesn't have it in him to be angry at someone unless they have done something seriously wrong. He always tries his hardest at everything and if he makes a mistake, he'll use it and turn it around as something he can learn from. He's generally very optimistic and is the mood maker of the group. 

How did you meet: On the first day when her brother was showing her around, Hyorin bumped into Jongup whom she recognised from high school. They got on fairly quickly and decided to stick around since they dodn't know anyone else yet. They ended up getting really close and they know pretty much everything about each other.

What is your relationship with each other: They are the same age but with Jongup being born slightly earlier in the year, and were previously aquaintances in high school. 

Who fell first: She fell in love first

When did he/she fall in love: After spending a few weeks at Anima, Hyorin and Jongup had become really close. Jongup had told her a lot about himself, but she didn't want to tell him about her self-harming because she thought he would abandon her. However, she decided to tell him about it and to her surprise, he didn't abandon her at all. Instead he was understanding and even though she couldn't tell him the reason why she self-harmed, she felt better getting it off her chest. From that moment Hyorin was utterly in love with that boy.

When does the other fall in love: Jongup fell in love with her almost at the same time she fell in love with him. When she told him about her self-harming, it broke his heart into a million pieces and he knew the reason it affected him that much was because he loved her. He vowed to make sure he would watch over her, no matter how much she didn't want it, and has loved her ever since.

Is there a secret he knows about: He knows she used to self harm and he knows about her fear of clowns.

3rd Love Interest: In the case whereas the 2nd love interest and main love interest is picked and I love your character, the 3rd love interest will be the final love interest. However, I will only tell you to fill it up when the story starts and I have confirmed all character choices. For now, just leave it blank or fill it in if you want to.


Name | Age | Birthdate | Birthplace | Major | Class | Dorm | Animal

Personality: You decide on his personality. Is he going to be mean or sweet? Make sure it is substantial and I can still write about him. Treat him like he is your character and give him pros and cons.

How did you meet:

What is your relationship with each other: Are they on speaking terms? Do they hate each other? Are they eternal rivals or something? Are they childhood friends? Are they classmates? Is he just a sunbae to her or maybe a same aged friend?

Who fell first: Did he/she fall in love first?

When did he/she fall in love: How did he/she fall in love with the other? When did they fall in love?

When does the other fall in love: When does the other partner (either he/she) fall in love? How did the other fall in love?

Is there a secret he knows about: It could be a secret that is not included in the secrets above. And he could also be oblivious to any secrets you have. 

About You



Username: River_Song

Nickname: River ^_^

Activeness: 9




Anything Else?

Author’s Comments: I apologize for the long application. I think this must be the longest application you ever filled up or maybe one of them. Anyway, I felt that I needed a lot of information for this story so do bear with me. I hope it wasn’t torturing for y’all. That’s why there isn’t any deadline!

Comments/Questions: Omg omg omg this story


-Hyorin tell Kyungsoo about her self harming past and breaks down in tears, Kyungsoo comforts her

-Flashback to what her uncle did and Hyorin waking up from the nightmare

-Hyorin gets upset and goes to the roof to watch the stars, Kyungsoo finds her and lays with her

-Hyorin and Kyungsoo meeting

I'll be happy if you just do one or something, I know I put a lot down  ^_^



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