Too much ads for Kcon

Ok people I understand K con is so big, but stop with the dang advertisements for it. It its not the fact that I'm not going it is the fact that there is way too much talking of it everywhere. Like when I turn to mnet Thursday to watch mcountdown all they played was the concert from the year before and I wasn't that fond of it in the first place and they played that till the mama awards came on. And I will be honest the only reason most people go to kcon is for the concert and I will see that on TV in two weeks on the comfort of mycouch. Just saying,


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yeh....true zhitt. i might go next year but i do enjoy the workshops and stuff, not just the concert...i am actually a fan of Cons...since i was 16 i go to anime cons and harry potter cons so goin to a kpop con would be amazing for me. But u are right, most people go just for the kcon, and if that was my reason to spending 300 bucks, id rather be like u sitting comfy in my bed and watch the concert on youtube XD