New Scenario Page URL

Annyeong annyeong my friends 

This is a quick update post to inform you i'm not dead. 

I've been super duper busy lately and i'm also currently sick so I haven't had time/energy to post here or on my scenario page. I have a ton of new scenarios to be posted though in the next few days so please enjoy them ^^

Also, speaking of my scenario page, I finally changed my url~ (my original one was only intended to be temporary until I thought of something better, so... yeah, haha). You can now find my scenarios also at elchanyeol @ 

Other than that... I can't think what else? Nothing!

If you guys are going to KCON I hope you have an excellent time! TAKE LOTS OF PHOTOS FOR US POOR PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN COUNTRIES IDOL'S DONT WANT TO VISIT. sobsob.

Hope you guys are having a good Summer!



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