How to Date a Doll ¦ byun baekhee




Character Name: byun baekhee

dreamer - her best friend. since baekhee is a dreamer.
warm winter     - her schoolmates. since she looks cold but she's actually not.

Doll Name: winter.

Birthdate: {08.24.94}

Age: 19

Blood Type: B 

Plotline: The girl who dreams all day

Personality: a person who lives in a fantasy world? it was none other than Baekhee. The ordinary girl who lives her life to dream. Baekhee may look cold, and that's why she got winter as one of her nickname, but trust me, she's not. She prefer to be quite at times, she's a type that doesn't talk a lot but that doesn't mean she's cold. She's also the one who doesn't want to break any rules, to her breaking a rule is a big no no. She's also an independent girl, persistent, and someone who never going to give up.
She dreamt all day about a lot of things, like what she will be in the future, or how would life be if she were a princess. True, she read a lot of fairytale books and watched a lot of fictional movies, those are the one that motivates her the most. All movies she watched has a happy ending, finding the prince and married. But she always wonders, what if it doesn't? what if in the end the princess does not meet the prince and live happily ever after?
She doesn't talk much, because she prefer to express her feelings into drawings. 
Baekhee may look good but people are not perfect, right?
Baekhee is a type of person who got annoyed really fast, if someone annoys her or talk to loud she will give them a glare that'll make them chickened away (she don't like it when people talk to loud) and when she fight with people, she will not be the one who says sorry, she just didn't like it. So prepare your apoligy when both of you fought. She's also have a for dream cathers, whenever she saw one she will definetly buy it, definetly. The myth said that dream catchers took away all dreams but she will prove them that they're wrong. Baekhee is a quite person, as i said but she still have a lot of friends that loves her dearly. 

Background: Baekhee was born in a poor but loving family. They owned a hat shop, not too big but enough to make her family lived. She owned a music box,. It was her first gift from her mother and she treasured it a lot (click). She listened to it every night, the reason? none. She just like it, maybe because the music can takes her imagination everywhere she wants. Baekhee is also a helper in her family hat shop, she likes to help her mother making out hats and such, but when all the hats are done. She will go to the nearest market and buy ingridients for dinner. One day, one of her friend gave her a fairytale book, about dolls. So she read it and it turns out that she likes it. And then she daydream, what is it like to be a doll? is it going to be fun? so she sleeps.

That night her dream catcher shines and her music box played by itself.

she just turned into a doll named winter.



Idol Faceclaim: Jung soojung (krystal) 

Backup Idol Faceclaim: Yoo Ah Ra (yooara) 


Love Interest: Park Chanyeol

Age: 20

Personality: happy virus, childish, protective, sweet, caring.

Backup Love Interest: Byun Baekhyun


Love Rival: Oh Sehoon

Age: 19

Personality: quite, a bit cold, can be sweet sometimes, protective, can get protective to someone he adores.

Backup Love Rival: Wu Yi Fan


Rival: Yoon Sohee

Age: 19 

Personality: someone that you could count as a friend, the perfect student, kind, always thinks about other people beside herself, but can be annoying and clingy too sometimes.


Comments: so i make my rival good \ o / and i'm sorry if my app sounded to chliche otl. Anyway i really like your idea < 3 and can i make suggestion? So, how if  'winter' as in the doll, holds a music box? or a dream cather maybe. thankyou and love ya unni <3 anyway her best friend is alice o/


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