Shuffle game


My friends see me as: Superwoman - Raina
My day will be like: Born to Beat - BtoB
I’ll have a good day if I can just hear: Destiny -INFINITE
Next time I’m in front of a crowd, I’ll say: Call Me - AA (lol)
My message to the world has always been: Imagine - BtoB 
Somewhere in my wedding vows, I will include: Hurricane - BAP
My best friend is like: I'm Only Me When I'm With You - Taylor Swift (chyeah!)
Right now, I feel: I Will Show You - Ailee (uh...)
What makes me happy is: Bad Girl - Beast (o.O)
My birth was like: Girl On Fire - Arshad
My deepest secret is: Romantic Love - Hello Venus
If I reached the top of Mount Everest, I'd yell: Tell Me Tell Me - Rainbow
My favorite thing to do is: Officially Missing You - Jayesslee
The story of my life is: Black Pearl - EXO
At my funeral they’ll play: Hot Game - A-JAX (....)
Behind my back, my friends think: Don't Forget Me - Bae Suzy (Awwww, I could never forget you guy!)
If I got lost on a desert island, I would yell: Wolf - EXO (Awooooooo!)
When I’m in the shower, I sing: Expectation - Girls Day
My love of life was inspired by the song: Hello - Hello Venus
High School was like: Beautiful Liar - Shakira and Beyonce (>.<)
My family is described by this song: I Choose To Love You - Hyorin (makes sense I guess....)
How will you die?: You and I - Boyfriend (uhh....)
To cheer myself up?: Where R U? - Boyfriend


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