↷ Choosing to Love — Julia Yoon Ji Yeon


* hellohelloc-can you hear me?

username | chipmunk96


profile link | [ link ]


 what should we call you | Alvin


* i can be yourchinadoll

chosen character 
character's name | Julia Yoon Ji Yeon
birthday | 9th September
age | 17
ethnicity | Korean-American
languages | Fluent in English and Korean

She is a social butterfly. She talks to almost everyone, regardless of gender. There isn't anyone in the academy who doesn't know about her. However, she is the known as an infamous 'flirt'  in the academy. She can be seen with a lot of guys around her. Given the fact that she is hot and gorgeous, guys naturally flock to her. Also, being a friendly person who likes skinship, she can casually puts her hands on any guys shoulders and just being real close (literally) to him. Therefore, you can't blame others from labelling her as a flirt. 
She is outspoken and direct when it comes to words. For example, when doing a project, if your idea is not to her liking, she can just simply say 'Your idea to the max.'  If you aren't doing you part in the group, she can rage at you saying, ' YOU (B*TCH). CAN YOU NOT BE A ING LEECH IN THE GROUP AND DO YOUR PART FOR THIS PROJECT?' She isn't afraid to show how she really feels. She shows her fears as well, just like how she did when she got stuck in the lift with him (love interest). [Read belowwww cx] Thus, Julia isn't a person who tries to conceal her weak side/weaknesses.


And lastly, of course, she is sassy. She is lively, bold, full of spirit and cheeky. In her family and between friends, she is the happy pill. She brings joy and laughter to the people around her. Well I guess you can pretty much say that she is very talkative. She is the kind of person who doesn't really dislikes silence (especially awkward ones), hence she tries very hard to keep the conversations going and prevents silence from erupting.



Julia's family had always been doing quite well, financially and non-financially, until everything changed 1 month after Julia turned 9. Julia's father, the sole breadwinner of the family, passed away in a car accident. Since then, Julia's mother had to take up the responsibility of working for the family's upkeep. As her mother's academic qualifications only allowed her to get low-paying jobs, the family's financial situation worsened as the days went by - increased spending due to the expensive tuition fees of both children in Seoul Academy. Only until she turned 17, Julia found out about how badly her family's financial situation was.
Reason why she wants to become a honey? She wanted to help alleviate the financial burden from her mother. She tried to take on a part-time job at a restaurant nearby. However, it was too tiring for her to juggle between school work and the job, so she had to quit her job and concentrate on school. 
likes |
1. Music - epecially K-POP
2. Dancing - Member and one of the founders (along with character 4) of Honey4'I's, a dance crew in Seoul Academy
3. Baking - she bakes for her family and friends twice a month
4. Sweet-tasting stuff - especially chocolates (in fact, she has an obsession with chocolate-flavoured things, such as chocolate-flavoured milk, chocolate cookies, etc)
5. Eating - almost everything and anything (except for the things she doesn't like)
6. Tea-based drinks - ginger tea, (iced) lemon tea, green tea, milk tea, etc
7. Cute things - teddy bears and other soft toys (or even people; aegyo)
8. Skinship
dislikes |
1. The sound of thunder
3. Bitter-tasting stuff
4. Ginger in her food
5. Soda drinks
6. (Awkward) silences
habits |
1. During a thunderstorm, she will always put on her headphones and start blasting music.
2. Every night, she will sleep with her room lights on. (Her parents will switch off the lights for her in the middle of the night when she is asleep)
3. She bites her nails when she is nervous or afraid.
4. She goes for a run every night before going to bed so as to keep her weight constant and not get fat from eating to much (be it food or chocolates).
5. She would drink a cup of chocolate-flavoured milk before going to bed every night.
6. She would take the stairs instead of the lift, UNLESS someone she really trusts takes the lift with her.
hobbies |
1. Dancing
2. Singing
3. Celebrity chasing (a typical K-POP fangirl)
4. Baking
fears |
1. Darkness
2. Small confined spaces
trivia |
1. Blood type: O
2. Has an allergy for seafood EXCEPT fish
3. Puts on a necklace (which her father gave her on her 9th birthday) wherever she go (except when taking a bath though)
*[girl], you're sodope

ulzzang name | Kwon Su Jeong
pichaaa | [ONE] [TWO] [THREE] [FOUR] [FIVE]
backup ulzzang | Jung Roo
backup pichaaa | [ONE] [TWO] [THREE] [FOUR] [FIVE]
height  | 170 CM 
weight | 53 KG 
dressing style |
At home?
Puts on geek specs. Usually wears an over-sized t-shirt and FBTs around the house.
Going out?
Puts on contact lenses. Likes to put on bright coloured clothes. Not too picky about the tops she wear, usually tight-fitting shirts/ blouses. Prefers to wear shorts/ skirts than jeans/ leggings/ pants. Usually wears flats and does not wear heels unless required for occasion. 2 favourite fashion items: wristbands, one-piece skirts
* your love is deadly, tell me life is beautiful 

family | 
Name: Kim Yuna
Age: 47
Relationship: Mother
Personality: Caring, Loving
Interactions: Just like what a typical loving and caring mother would do, she spends time to communicating and interacting with Julia and Janice despite her own hectic work schedule. Being unable to spend much time with her daughters, whenever Julia and her are at home together, they would talk about anything and everything.
Name: Janice Yoon Ji Yoon
Age: 14
Relationship: Younger Sister
Personality: Shy, relatively quiet as compared to Julia
Interactions: Julia teaches her school work that she doesn't understand. Julia also dotes on her, by getting her small treats from time to time.
Name: Depends on character 4
Age: Depends on character 4
Relationship: Childhood friends, Classmates, Founders of Honey4'I's
Personality: Depeneds on character 4
Interations: Hangs out with Julia most of the time in school with some other people who are from the same clique. Goes for dance crew Honey4'I's practices with Julia on every tuesdays and fridays. Have heart-to-heart talks with Julia almost everyday - phone calls and face-to-face.
*theyallthinkihavaeitalli've nothing without you

— character 5 | `i'll get you, i swear 
(Most wanted)
1st: VIXX's Leo
2nd: Infinite's Hoya
3rd: Infinite's Dongwoo
(Least Wanted) 
his personality |
He is a man of few words. He rarely speaks, even among his own clique of close male friends. However, everytime he speaks, it is always something intelligent and/or accurate. Well, he IS intelligent though. He never fails to achieve perfect, or at least near perfect, grades for every single subject that he is taking. While he doesn't speak up about it, people find him either intimidating or arrogant, or both. 
He is responsible for himself and independant too. Even though his has a housekeeper for himself at home, he tries to keep his own room in order (he likes things to be organised), so his housekeeper does not do that for him. He wakes up on his own for school, on time. He never goes to school late even though as an elite, he is given the privilege to go for school late and able to sleep in. He also makes sure he does his own homework and assignments, and along with his intelligence, he is able to do extremely well in his studies. (I guess you can say he is hardworking too) Therefore, he feels that he has no need for a honey since he can take care of himself, be it academically or non-academically, and he is pretty stubborn and persistant about it. Oh yes, talking about his stubbornness and persistance. Unless someone is able to persuade and convince him, he would not give in at all. Until now, no one is able to convince him to get a honey, not even his family members or close friends (so... he doesn't give in to peer pressure). (Julia shall be the first and only one to convince him to get a honey.)
He is also a person who rarely laughs or smiles, not even when his friends in his cliques are being fools and joke around with they are together. Furthermore, he is easily irritated and can be quite hot-headed. Try making jokes or making fun of him may result in getting a punch from him in the face, or at least a deadly glare into your eyes.
On the other hand, as mentioned, he does have his own clique of close male friends, which he hangs out with during breaks in school and rarely, after school. You might ask , why would his friends still hang out with him despite his anit-social personality? As much as he prefers solitude, his clique wants to stick to him. One main reason is that he is a really caring person deep down, thus, his friends treat him like their older brother. There was once when one of his friend from his clique came to class restlessly and looking rather depressed, he said with a straight face, 'Yah. Your girlfriend is giving you a cold shoulder huh? I had already told you last time to control yourself and your raging hormones right? If she doesn't want to do it with you then you should just stop being so persistent on trying to go all over her.' His friends replied looking down in shame, 'Ah, ne. I should have heeded your advice last time hyung. Mianhae.' Even though he said that in a harsh tone, it still showed his care and concern for his friends. Another reason would be plainly just because he treat his friends (actually everyone too, but those who don't interact with him just don't get to see this aspect of him) with respect. He repects his friends' privacy. He doesn't pry on matters that his friends do not want to tell him about (but somehow he manages to find out about everything after that). He is also a good listening ear and a good advisor, which his friends rely him on. He would listen to his friends' problems patiently and then give advice which helps to solve problem most, if not all of the times.
first meeting | 
On one normal school day, Julia decided to try taking the school lift by herself. She went into the lift, pressed a lift button with the number '8' on it and then hesistantly pressed the '  ' button after that. As the lift doors were about to close completely, a hand stuck into the gap between the lift doors and prevented it from closing. He walked into the lift without saying anything and without giving any eye contact to Julia either. He treated Julia as if she wasn't in the lift at all. Julia thought to herself: 'I guess I should be fine and I shall not be scared of anything since there is someone else here with me...' However, that didn't stop her from biting her nails. Everything was fine until the lift stopped at level 6, but the lift doors didn't open.
Before the both of them could try to find out what was going on, the lights in the lift went off out of a sudden. The sounds from the ventilation stopped too and there was a moment of silence. He took out his smartphone from his pocket and switched on its torchlight function. He looked for the alarm button and pressed it rapidly. It took him to press that button more than 10 times before someone shouted through the lift doors, 'Hey! Are you alright in there?' He hollered back, 'Yeah. Open up this damn door,' kicking the lift doors. The male voice replied, ' Alrights. Wait for me, I'll go get someone else.' Then, a soft sound of someone crying can be heard in the lift. He shone the torchlight around the lift, and stopped when he saw a figure of girl, huddled up in the corner of the lift, sobbing softly.
He sighed and asked, 'Aish... Are you okay?' She didn't reply. He raised his voice a little, 'Yah. I'm talking to you. And it is just a lift breakdown, you wouldn't die in here or anything, so why are you crying?' She continued crying. He rolled his eyes, walked over to her and give her a hug. 'Yah. Stop crying,' he said as he patted her back. Awhile later, he heard some noise from the other side of the lift door. He knew someone's here to open up the lift doors for them. He immediately broke off from the hug. and stood up. The moment the doors opened, he said a mere "Thanks" before he walked out of the lift and headed for class. The next moment, Julia also run out of the lift and headed for the toilet.
interactions |
Ever since the incident in the lift, there had been rumors going around school that he had ually harassed Julia in the lift when the lift broke down (since someone so hot and gorgeous like Julia was left crying in one corner of the lift before running out of the lift). However, both sides did not stand up to clear up the rumour. The two of them felt that there was no need to do so as their conscience was clear, and if they did try to clear it up, it might only gets worse. Julia did feel bad towards him, so she tried to find him in school.
She managed to find out about him from Character 4. Character 4 told Julia about his class and also that he is an elite without a honey, hinting to Julia that she should try to become his honey since Character 4 knows that Julia needed the money. So, she baked a box of muffins for him that night and went to his class during lunch break the next day. He was in the middle of a conversation with his friends class when Julia went up to him. His friends stop talking and all turned to Julia and him, who said coldly without looking at her, 'Why are you here?' His friends figured out that the two of them needed some private time and so they left the two of them alone. 'I want to thank you and say sorry for what happened in the lift the other day,' she said and handed the box of muffins to him. 'Okay. Gratitude and apology accepted . You can have the muffins to yourself and you can go now,' and he just walked off. Julia chased after him.
'Why are you following me?' sounding annoyed as he kept walking. She said nothing while following him. He finally stopped walking and turned to Julia. 'Yah! Stop following me already will you? Or at least tell me what you freakkin want!' Julia said firmly, 'I want to be your honey.' He said sternly, 'No. I don't need one, and stop following me,' before turning his back against her and walked away.

* allmy dreams andall the lights mean nothing without you

password | [ WOOGYU HERE. DON'T DIE XD ]
commentary | This is my first time doing this so if this isn't good, forgive me... ;_; I have a request though... I hope that Julia can follow him around school everyday, until he finally accepts her to be her honey. But the details on what Julia do and stuff is up to author-nim to decide. OuO If my request can't fit into the plots you have in mind then it is okay though keke. Thanks for writing this story though. ^^


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