Now I Won't Ever TT.TT

In my country, there's a saying: if you dream about someone, you won't ever meet him/her in reality.

So yeah, I should bit goodbye to Seung Ho now TT^TT

K-pop, I really, really hate you for coming into my dreams when there was no real need of you, you know?!

Short story long: I dreamt that it was winter. And I was out with the bike at 6am in the freakin' morning to go grab some doughnuts on the way to school while I waited for my best friend to come in the bus station. Apparently, I had this gorgeous neighbor who would take his dog out every single morning at the same hour. And there I was, waiting for my bestie when Seung Ho appeared from the bushes with a black dog. And he wanted to go through the pedestrian tunnel and the dog was keeping him back 

And then he was like at me: "Hold him 'cause I need to pee."

And then the alarm went off and I woke up O.o

Dear k-pop, I hate you right now TT.TT

Oh and have a nice day ahead :)


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Oh god... I also dreamt about my bias yesterday... It was so sad though that I even cried when I woke up in the middle of the night! *sigh*
Your dreams are epic :D:D
LOL Seungho pees in the bushes xD
...really? i've never heard of that one before and heck, i'm from romania. weird.
"Hold him 'cause I need to pee."