Hello, My Lovelies!

I believe it's time for an update on my life! 

School will be starting this coming Monday and I haven't finished the summer reading so I'm only slightly panicking haha nothing to see here just a weird teenage girl hyperventilating... and i'm also worried that i wont' have friends in my classes bc my social anxiety only increases if i don't have friends in a class like it's really bad

My cat has been acting weird lately (not eating, not moving around much, etc), so we took him to the vet where they determined that he had a lump of... something. They couldn't tell what it was, just that it wasn't good. Today we took him for an ultrasound, where they told us that it was most likely stomach cancer. It's a pretty big mass, and they estimated that it takes up around 85% of his stomach, so removing it via surgery wouldn't be a wise option. Chemotherapy, however, is an option - a rather expensive option that would only prolong the innevitable. I don't think we're sure what we plan on doing just yet, only that we want to do what will make Purr most comfortable. He was pretty happy this afternoon after we got home. He starts purring the second I walk over to him (living up to his name for once!).

My sister is taking this especially hard, probably because she gets really attached to animals and we've had Purr for 12 years and also because she's autistic and therefore reacts to news like this differently. She seemed mad in the car, and when my mom said something to her, she just responded with "Don't talk to me" which I found to be especially rude. I don't care what your ailment is; being disrespectful to your mom and deflecting any and all attempts at being helped is incredibly rude. She's doing better now (I think all she needed was a nap).

I, on the other hand, am trying to fathom why the actual God put cancer into the world. My Gradma has had it, my aunt ing died from it, my Grandpa died from it, my mom has had it, and now my cat does. It's not fair...

In other news, today (8/22/13) is my parents' 21st wedding anniversary! They (maybe we?) are going out to celebrate Saturday night, which is coincidentally the night my friend Carson is getting married ^^

So that's my life right now. My fantastic friend Nulli is helping me through this thing with Purr since her cat went through a tough time earlier (he's okay, though!), and Nulli's twin Whispie sends her love via text, as well! I love those two to death - just proof that anyone who says Internet friendships aren't real.


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