I just wanted to write this as a remembrance for myself. So Beyond K-pop was having a google+ concert brodcast and Ailee as well as the sunbae rock band Boohwal were the performing guests and they decided to include some international fans to the hangout. An Inspirit friend of mine that I met on Inspirit America's google+ got chosen for the hangout and it happens that some of the chosen winners couldn't attend dew to school or they have technical issues. Because of that, they had spots for the hangout left. She told me that it was still possible to join so of course I was like : Heck, why not ? I won't lose anything. Of course I've joined plenty of hangouts before, where you get to meet idols, and never got chosen so I wasn't expecting much until I got a notification from my email inbox. " Congratulations, you've been selected for the hangout. " It was 2 freakin AM in the morning, I thought I was hallucinating when I read the email. Just so happens another Inspirit friend of mine was also selected and chatbox me. That was when I realized it was real. I was so excited and anxious. I couldn't even sleep. Just thinking about it, in a few hours you'll be able to meet one of your fave idols. It was shocking alright. Also, the fear and anxiety thinking that it would be brodcasted on Youtube. Heck, I'm a really disclosed silent and shy person. I slept for just an hour after reading some fics to distract myself. Anyways, the time for the " rehearsal hangout came (6PM KST wich turned out to be 5:15 AM for me) I was like a zombie, when they emailed me the link to the hangout I was so not ready. I clicked the link to the hangout and BAM ! First thing I heard was " Oh we have another person coming in ! Camille ? Camille ? Can you hear me ? Camille ? " I was so freakin flustered, this cute male with blond hair I saw on the screen was just calling me out. I was so flustered it took me 30 seconds to respond to him. That's when I was like : JUST GOT REAL. HOLY FLYING COWS OF HEAVEN WHAAAAT IS AIR ??? So, to test our stuff and lighting what not he asks us questions and all that stuff. I still couldn't snap out of my daze. And It was freakin 5AM I wasn't so awake. Haha ! Also before the hangout started he said : " In Korean Entertainment business, we are very aware and alert of our surroundings and image. So, you all must look happy alright ? Smile as much as you can and don't look sad. Don't cry. Just like idols, you girls must smile at all times so when people see you , they'll be happy as you look ! " Then he joked with some of us saying, some of you have a natural sad face or serious face. Haha ! I was the one with a serious face. Let's just say, my natural face has the same expression as L. XD And so the concert started, the rock band played awsome songs and also talked. Their lead singer was handsome and had this husky rock voice. It was pretty awsome to hear. Now Ailee came , that's when all my senses went : HOLY . HOLY. IT'S REAL. OMG. In the venew room they had this big screen and on that big screen was displayed the hangout meaning MY FREAKIN UGLY FACE WAS ON BIGSCREEN . I SWEAR I TRIED MY BEST TO LOOK ALIVE BUT IT WAS SO EALRY IN THE MORNING. So yeah, things started to get more and more real, when Hanbyul said " Alright so Ailee, ! Say hello to some of your international fans ! She looked into the camera straight at us and said " HEY, ! " Then, Hanbyul asked one of us to introduce ourselves so we started from the girl to the right. She did her thing and then, they ask the girl beside me. Right after, Ailee performed one of her songs. When she was done, Hanbyul came back on stage and ask us who had a question. No one raised their hand so I did. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT POSSESSED ME AND GAVE ME THE COURAGE TO DO IT. When I knew all eyes of the venew's spectator were looking at me in the bigscreen. Hanbyul was like " Yes ! You ! " I being dazed to what I have just done turned dumb saying : " ME ? You're talking to me ? " Ailee and Hanbyul laughed and said " YES ! YOU ! " Then I was like to myself : SNAP THE OUT OF IT DAMN IT ! DON'T GO ING MUTE ! TALK ! Ailee I guessed sensed my nervouness and she was like : " C'mon don't be shy ! " Being me again I was like : Oh okay.. * shyly laughs * Then Hanbyul was like " Where are you from ? " I don't know what the hell was wrong with me. Even though I kept reminding myself they were human LOL ! I quickly responded " (my city) , Canada. " Then I heard " OHHHHs and AHHHs " Ailee was then like : What's your name ? " Camille " " Oh , hi Camille ! " Hanbyul came in and was like : So what was your question ? Initially I thought of a kind of " On the spot " question. I was going to say : " Are you aware that some of your fans , are shipping you with Infinite's Jang Dongwoo and Nam Woohyun ? If yes, then how do you feel about ? Or, if you didin'r know, how do you feel about knowing now ? " I was going to be crazy but I didin't want to put her on the spot and be flustered with that random question LOL ! Although now I wish I said it. Haha ! But yeah, I didin't want her to feel weird about it. So instead I said another question I had : " I was your fan since your Youtube days and back then you use to do a lot of collabs with other Youtube artists. If you had a chance to collab with one of those artists again, who would it be and why ? " Then she answered with her old friends group. So yeah haha ! That was my unforgetable flustering , embarassing meet up with Ailee and Hanbyul of Led Apple. Haha ! If you read until here then kudos keke. I know this was long but yeah. Oh and also, if you don't have a google+ account you SHOULD REALLY MAKE ONE.. A lot of Kpop groups are now using google+ to meet their International fans and they throw contest and hangouts just like this one. Just like me you can join them and see if you win and if you do, one thing I can tell you since I've just experienced it. Try not to be shy when you're talking to your idol. Be bold and have courage, you may never know when you're able to talk to them. Hangouts really go fast and some of the participants didin't even have the chance to talk because time was running out. So if you're given the chance to talk , then TALK ! :D


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oh my gosh.. i was suppose to watch that hangout in Youtube. but since my internet was effin slow that time, i didn't have the chance to watch it.. Omo, I would really love to see you there.. xD
That was amazing. I wish I could get picked for hangout too. :D
soooo lucky!!! ahhh how cool!
omg so lucky <3
/diesbcsofhanbyul'saccent ;A;
skattered-fragments #7
HAHAHA So cute ;y; But lucky you ! - w - <3
woooww!! so cool!! ^^