▲┊〔野生 // WILD 〕Moon Sun Hee。

野生 // WILD 〕



〔約 // ABOUT 〕


USERNAME ¦ dominikaq92
VISUAL ¦ soo ah
HYPERLINK ¦ gallery
BACKUP VISUAL ¦ ha mirae
HYPERLINK ¦ gallery
FASHION STYLE ¦ Sun Hee usually prefers funky, colorful and boyish clothes. She can wear a skirt or dresses ut she is able to make the look boyish and not girly. She likes to wear caps and bold accessories. Her fashion sense isn't innocent at all. She loves to expose her legs but she doesn't really like to show her upper parts that much as she thinks that she is flat. She has a good taste of fashion and is usually praised for her outfits. She likes to experiment with fashion. She likes to wear heels or wedges as she is really short and she feels taller in those. In dorms she usually wears really comfortable clothes and she doesn't really care how does she look like. But she also loves to wear animal pajamas that she finds totally cute. When she has her animal pajama on, she feels the best, sometimes she even leaves her dorm wearing her penguin or chicken outfit. When it comes to practise, she usually wears  really boyish clothes (like those: 1  2  3  4  5).

〔私 // I 〕


▲ Sunny + because of her name's meaning in English, and also this describes her personality really well + her friends
▲ Hee Hee + also because of her name, this sounds cuter + her dad
AGE ¦ 19
DATE OF BIRTH ¦ 13/02/1994
PLACE OF BIRTH ¦ Daegu, South Korea
HOMETOWN ¦ Daegu, South Korea
HEIGHT ¦ 157 cm
WEIGHT ¦ 45 kg
LANGUAGES SPOKEN ¦ Korean (fluent, native), Mandarin (Basic), English (basic)

〔彼女 // SHE〕

PERSONALITY TRAITS ¦ wild, sassy, independent, self-confident
PERSONALITY ¦ Sun Hee is really hard to control as she always does what she wants and usually doesn't care about others opinions, that makes her wild. Because of that she may look like someone self-centered, and she is from time to time. She is not extacly a person that will take a guilt on herself, she is an only child, so that may be a reason. She looks fearless as she is always first to try new or dangerous things no matter how stupid, dangerous or meaningless they are. Sun Hee is sassy, fierce and diva-like in her every day life and she is the same on stage. She is known for her never-ending confidence, sharp tongue and dirty jokes that she likes to tell especially to younger members. Bad attitude and carefree behaviour are something normal to her. She has quite a big temper and she gets mad easily.
On the other side she is very social and she can easily make you feel comfortable. She isn't awkward with people or scared to talk to anyone. She likes to talk and meet new people and because of that she is usually very likeable and popular amongst other idols as well as other staff (cameramen, PDs, VJs, hosts, stylists etc.) . She is easily bored and she can't really be alone, as she never knows what to do with herself. Sun Hee is a capable girl, able to do anything if she really wants something but if she doesn't she becomes extremely lazy. She likes to joke around and her charismatic personality is the main reason for her good appearances on Variety Shows. She is rather cunning and clever than really intelligent or knowleadgeable.
LIKES ¦ mint-flavoured ice cream, Running Man, Big Bang, charismatic guys, high heels and wedges, horrors, extreme sports, variety shows, funny staff, skinship, parties, talking, hanging out with her friends, shopping, mint color, studs, fangirling (to Big Bang especially), autumn, really spicy food, coke light, dirty jokes, performing on stage, being a part of a band, traveling, sweets, cheesy dramas (that she always watches when she's in bad mood and she always ends up crying).
DISLIKES ¦ sport as she in those, her short height, people who call her peanut (because of her height), crying after watching cheesy dramas, studying, the fact that even though she looks cute she really has no aegyo, boredom, people who tell her to calm down when she's pissed, coffee.
HOBBIES ¦ watching horrors, reading Stephen's King books, dancing, parties, going out with her friends, playing drums.
HABITS ¦ sleeptalking (she usually courses while sleeping), saying 'Fantastic Baby' when someone says 'wow' (BIG BANG's 'Fantastic Baby'), jumping when she's excited.
TRIVIA ¦ she knows a way to cheat in every possible game and she always does it; she can play drums and guitar but she prefers drums; she loves spicy food and she eats it with pleasure; she loves to eat and she never gains weight; when she was younger she wanted to become a firefighter; even if she's small she can protect herself because she knows karate really well; she likes to tell dirty jokes that make even ahjussis blush; she collects caps and beanies; she is really forgetful and she usually forgets about other people birthdays; her iPod is full of BIG BANG's songs and she knows lyrics of all of them; she couldn't rap at all before starting training, she learned it during her trainee days; she would like to appear on Running Man, she loves Yoo Jae Suk, Gary and Kwang Soo the most; she comes from Daegu and she doesn't know Seoul well so she is usually lost and ends up calling other members or manager to ask them where she is; she is quite messy and she can't cook at all, she is a horrible wife material as she hates housework as well; she looks really innocent and cute but she is extacly the opposite; she becomes really flirty if the guy she likes is nearby.
SNS ¦ twitter: @moony_hee
IDEAL TYPE ¦ a tall, charismatic guy who is confident and who she feels chemistry with (when asked who is her ideal type among the celebrities she always says BIG BANG's T.O.P)
BACKGROUND ¦ Sun Hee's father is a famous martial arts teacher and he owns one of the best Karate's Academy (dojo) in Korea. That's how she learned martial arts. She was learning since she was very young. She is really good in Karate and she was even teaching younger students until she was scouted. She has two older brothers who were also teaching until they went to army. Her mother is English teacher in middle school, she was always very persistent about her daughter learning English but she never really liked learning so she isn't that good. Her family is quite average, they are close with each other, she as an only daughter was always her daddy's little princess while her mother was worrying if she will ever get married. She is really close with her brothers and they were almost as over-protective over her as their father. Despite her father's dreams of her becoming next karate master while she was in middle school she became interested in dance. That's when she found out that dance and martial arts aren't that different. Dance was always something that came easily to her, she could memorise a choreography after watching it once and she always had this 'feeling', she feels music really well. When she was 16 she fell in love with the coolest guy in school, he was a vocalist and guitarist in a band. Because she decided to make him fall in love with her she started to learn playing guitar (she wanted to have something to talk about with him). When she get quite closer to him she found out that he isn't that interesting as he looked and she lost her interest but she became a really good friends with the drummer (he thaught her how to play drums) and he automatically became her first boyfriend. They didn't last long as soon after she was scouted and he had already found a new girlfriend. She was scouted during an auditions in her dance school. She didn't win but she was able to charm everyone with her stage charisma and her good skills and she was chosen as a new trainee of TS Entertainment. When she joined the company it became clear that she doesn't have a voice good enough to become a main vocalist but she was a great material for main rapper and dancer. Mostly because of her fierce, sassy and charismatic attitude.

MOTHER ¦ Moon Min Hee ¦ 46 ¦ English Teacher ¦ strict, persistent, conservative, intelligent  ¦ quite close, but not as close as she is with other family members
FATHER ¦ Moon Hwan Jin ¦ 48 ¦ Martial Arts Instructor ¦ strong-minded, hard-working, self-confident, stubborn ¦ very close
SIBLING ¦ Moon Jin Woon ¦ 24 ¦ Martial Arts Instructor, actually in the Army ¦ strict, clever, hard-working, strong-minded ¦ close
SIBLING ¦ Moon Jin Ho ¦ 23 ¦ Martial Arts Instructor, actually in the Army ¦ playful, carefree, self-confident, social  ¦ close


〔友達 // FRIENDS
BESTFRIEND ¦  Gong Min Ji (Minzy) ¦ 19 ¦ idol (2NE1) ¦ charismatic, outgoing, strong-minded, funny ¦ very close (like BFFs) ¦ Minzy and Sun Hee are partners in crime, even if they're in different agencies and Minzy is a respectful sunbae, they are really close. They love to mess around and have fun together, they often tease each other and joke around. They don't need to talk to know what the other one thinks and they know each other the best. 
FRIEND ¦ Choi Jun Hong (Zelo) ¦ 17 ¦ idol (B.A.P) ¦ shy, funny, easy-going, hard-working ¦ close ¦ Zelo is the closest in TS for Sun Hee, they know each other well and they're often practise together, Zelo together with Yongguk helped her a lot with her rap. When they're together they have their own world and usually don't really pay attention to anything around as they tease each other, especially on company meetings. Sun Hee treats Zelo as her little brother.
FRIEND ¦ Kim Him Chan (Himchan) ¦ 23 ¦ idol (B.A.P) ¦ out-going, caring, funny, self-confident ¦ quite close ¦ When Himchan first time saw Sun Hee he felt that he needs to tace care of her. He is like one of her elder brothers, he always takes care of her and she calls him 'umma' for fun.  He often treats her.
FRIEND ¦ Min Yoon Gi (Suga) ¦ 20 ¦ idol (BTS) ¦ funny, charismatic, friendly, saucy ¦ close ¦ they've met while both of them where still trainees. They were mostly talking about music and when Suga found out that she's learning rap he helped her. They are often talking (via cellphone) or texting and he is the first person that Sun Hee calls to talk about music (f.e. when there is a new song of some group they often have to call each other and talk about it or even watch mv together, when they can't meet up they watch at the same time while exchanging opinions via phone)

〔彼 // HE 〕


NAME ¦ Huang, Zitao (Tao)
AGE ¦ 20
PERSONALITY TRAITS ¦ self-confident, out-going, charismatic, caring
PERSONALITY ¦ Tao is charming. He doesn't really have to do anything to be charming, it's enough when he stands and doesn't talk anything. When he starts talking... Well, he tends to make fool out of himself. He can be cocky from time to time and he pays too much attention to his look, he is often staring in mirror. He is social and he likes to talk, he isn't afraid of meeting new people. He may not look like but he tends too worry too much especially about people that he cares about. He is out-going and he likes to have fun, he often messes up with his hyungs (except for Kris) and he loves to party. He becomes quiet when he is worried or sad. He's y and he knows it, he likes to show off his look. He likes to be admired and meet up with girls.
HOW THEY MEET ¦ They'll meet on music show (like inkigayo or music bank) where both EXO and Wild performed. Since Sun Hee isn't the prettiest in their group at first he won't really pay attention to her and will be more interested in other members. And then he will see their performance. He will be charmed by her sassy personality, and after he'll see how she is also bright and she jokes around backstage he'll became even more interested in her. They will both participate on some show (idk, Running Man or Idol Athletic Championship) when they will have an opportunity to get to know each other. After seeing each other quite often on different shows etc. they will finally change their phone numbers. After that they started talking quite a lot and they got close. Tao was the first one to develop a crush on her.
INTERACTION ¦ they are quite close, they like to talk to each other and Sun Hee treats Tao as one of her acquaitances, they talk to each other a lot. When Tao first started talking to her he was a little nervous but later it disappeared. She wasn't aware of Tao having crush on her. During time they developed strong bond and their close friends who often go out together and talk. Sun Hee likes to joke around with him and he also likes to do this. He is often jealous about her friendship with Zelo and he wants her attention only for himself that's why he is sometimes mean to her or sulks after she spend more time with Zelo. He can be very childish and then Sun Hee also becomes like that, they are childish together. She likes to tease Tao. For the two of them skinship is very natural. Tao often piggybacks and hugs her or pinches her cheeks what makes her furious.
STATUS ¦ friends

〔二 // SECOND 〕


NAME ¦ Jung, Ho Seok (J-Hope)
AGE ¦ 19
PERSONALITY TRAITS ¦ easy-going, optimistic, clever, charismatic
PERSONALITY ¦ J-Hope is a guy that girl has to fall for. He is prince charming, nice guy that is able to charm everyone around. He likes to joke around and have fun. He is patient and nice to everyone and never shy. When he sees that someone feels awkward he will do anything he can to make this person comfortable. He becomes 'mean' to people when he gets close to them, he likes to tease and prank them. He is clever and witted. He is hard-working and determined when he wants something badly. He is a great friend. He looks like a flawless person but he really isn't. When he becomes mad (what's rare since it's hard to make him mad), he becomes scary, especially when he's also hurt. He sometimes lacks confidence and there are times when he becomes depressed completely without a reason.
HOW THEY MET ¦ They've met thanks to Suga. Sun Hee was the one to first notice him during their performance. She asked Suga to introduce him to her and he did. When she met him she started to be even more interested in hi, mostly because of his charming personality.
INTERACTION ¦ Sun Hee has a huuuuge crush on J-Hope. She becomes shy (!) next to him, and she usually acts innocent what really shocks everyone who knows her. She is completely amazed by him and when he's around she doesn't care about anyone else and is only focused on him. He is nice to her as to anyone.
STATUS ¦ she has a huuuge crush on him and he doesn't know

〔敵 // RIVAL 〕


NAME ¦ Kim, Hyun Ah (Hyuna)
AGE ¦ 21
GROUP ¦ 4 Minute
PERSONALITY TRAITS ¦ y, self-confident, talented, vain
PERSONALITY ¦ Hyuna is extremely talented and hard-working. She is a y, fierce lady on stage but she becomes cute and funny off stage. She has a lot of friends. She pays too much attention ta a person look instead of his/her personality, but she's not a bad person. She is out-going and social.
REASON ¦ Because of Sun Hee talent to dance and rap she is often compared to Hyuna and that makes Hyuna a little angry since there can be only one Hyuna out there. Especially not a rookie like Sun Hee. Sun Hee thinks that Hyuna is too cute off-stage and it's fake. She also doesn't like to be compared to Hyuna as there can only be one Sun Hee out there.
INTERACTION ¦ They don't really know each other so there's not much interactions. When they interact they are 'too nice' to each other instead of being mean or argue.

〔著名 // POPULAR 〕


STAGENAME ¦ Sky (moon is her surname and sun her name :P)
PERSONA ¦ Sassy Fireckracker
SPECIAL SKILLS ¦ karate, lte rap (super fast rap), boy group dances (she can imitate those really well)
VOCAL TWIN ¦ LE (EXID) - she doesn't really sing that much
DANCE TWIN ¦ Minzy (2NE1)


HOW AND WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TS ENTERTAINMENT AND NOT SM OR YG? ¦ I didn't choose them. It was actually agency that chose me. You know, on this competition that I didn't win. I think it's because I was so awesome that they couldn't resist. But I like my agency, there is a lot of cool people here.
I SEE, DO YOU KNOW OR HAVE ANY FAVOURITE IDOLS IN TS ENT? ¦ B.A.P, but don't tell them that. They'll make fun of me till I'll retire...
WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR THE FUTURE? ¦ Right now I'm aiming for CL's position as the baddest female, you know :). JK. I was thinking about composing or producing music. Or even opening my own agency. If none of this plans will fullfill I can always come back to my dad's dojo.
WHAT DO YOU SPECIALIZE IN MORE? SINGING, RAPPING OR DANCING? ¦ Dance is the ability that I was scouted with so it's probably my strongest point. But since I've started learning rap I like it even more than dance. I don't sing. Like... Never.
WHAT IS SOMETHNG YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT? ¦ Coke Light, High Heels or Wedges and BIG BANG. And danger. But don't tell my CEO, he would probably scold me for that.
DO YOU LIKE OR WATCH ANIME? ¦ not really, I'm not into topic...
〔最後 // END
SCENE REQUESTS ¦  When Tao starts sulking after she was paying more attention to Zelo than him. When girls are on variety shows: Running Man, Weekly Idol, and maybe even their own show. When she hangs out with Zelo. When they are on some show and asked who is the closest to B.A.P members girls answer that she is. Sun Hee absolutely fan girling over BIG BANG. When they are on Running Man and they have to make something dangerous (like bungee jumping) and while others are scared (I mean RM cast etc.) she is the first one to jump and she enjoys it a lot. When Tao teases her because of her short height. When Tao is extremely sad and she is the one to cheer him up. Sun Hee crying like stupid after watching 'City Hunter' - her favorite drama and one of the members caught her on this and is surprised since she was always the 'tough' one. When she accidentaly  bumped into Tao after he came out of shower (ok, I don't know where it could happen but it could be a funny scene...) and she sees him without a shirt.
COMMENTS, CONCERNS, QUESIONS, COMPLAINTS ¦ I enjoyed writing this, and story looks promising :)
SONG SUGGESTIONS ¦ 'I Feel Good' EXID, 'I Don't Need A Man' miss A, 'Bad Boy' SISTAR 



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