Guys please pray

My friend is considering taking her life and I need your help in praying with me that she won't do it.

I don't know what it's like to constantly feel depressed for I've only had ups and downs but nobody should feel like they should die this way.

I'm just so shaken I pray it's not too late.


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I'll pray for your friend. Both of you stay strong
Prayers sent Mom. You should be really by her side no matter what. She's pretty sensitive right now.
TT.TT Why doesn't she try talking to someone? It could help here since she's still young and these things don't really matter later on.
*sigh* I wish there was someone who could do something against these things, because so many lives are wasted TT^TT
I just prayed for her. I know what it's like to feel really depressed, is she needs anyone to talk to she can talk to me. Maybe I can help. If not, my friend Everglider has had it worse. We're both open to talk to if you or your friend needs it.
twix_kat #5
Just finished praying for her ^^
I hope that your friend realizes the good things in life and that suicide is a "permanent solution to a temporary problem".
I'll continue praying ^^
Prayers sent. I hope the sweet thing realizes that this is not the answer and that she finds peace. She is in my thoughts and so are you love. Stay strong everyone ♥
A few years ago I had thoughts like those as well. I hope to God nothing happens to her :( Suicide is not the answer. I will do my best to pray for her and keep your friend in my thoughts and prayers. God bless.
Sometimes I have feelings to die too but yet I can't.
I'll pray for her that god changes her mind.
Thank you caring for her.
I'm not a very religious person, but I know that you are, so I will pray for her. I reallu hp[e that she doesn't go through with it..
I'll pray for her too.

Sincerely, I hope that she'll be alright.
I will pray for your friend.

I will pray for God to enlighten her mind and make her think twice.

I will ask God to continue to shower her with more blessings, guidance, protection, love and good health.

Seriously, this comment is from the bottom of my heart and I didn't even think twice before I posted this; I want to help.

Please talk to her; we will do our best to make things better together.

God bless you both.

Hello, nobody should feel this way, I have given to him to add like friend, if I can do something, say it to me ^^