Stardust Application ; Bang Junsoo


About Me ; 

Call Me ; Eb :)

Activity ; 9 / 10. If you need to contact me, im mostly on :) 


About The Character

Name ; Bang Junsoo

Nicknames ; JS, Soo 

Gender: Male

ual Orientation: Bi, but he prefers boys over girls. 

Birthdate : August 2nd 1996

Age: 17

Languages : 

Personality : 

Junsoo is a sweet, funny guy. Because of his age he tends to act childish and playful towards his friends, but on some occasions that involves serious matters he matures and acts way older than what he is. He's a really carefree, laidback guy which is why he doesnt care about his image, and he tends to ruin his image alot when he ends up doing weird things. As he is one of the youngest he uses aegyo alot, and be in peoples faces to annoy them. He loves to bully and tease his older friends, and use informal language to them, because of this, some of his older friends think he is rebellious

He is quite clumbsy and very noisy, and normally very impulsive, which leads him to being told off, or put in a dangerous situation. He is very witty  and can be saracastic on odd occassions which makes people laugh or make them angry. Junsoo is also very lazy, and normally goes by the motto 'Can't reach it, don't need it.' 
Surprisingly, Junsoo is rather intelligent. He is known as Apollo because his favourite lesson in school was Literature, he loves music and he stores random bits of weird knowledge - and Apollo is the greek god of Music, Poetry and Knowledge.
His sense of humour is mega weird. He likes to laugh at things that other people wouldnt even find the slightest bit funny - which earns him weird looks -  and normally finds things that are meant to be hilarious, stupid. Further more he is passionate about rapping and can talk to peope about it for hours on end, which tends to bore the other person to sleep. 


Face Claim: Kim Hui Dae

Appearance: gallery



- Poetry

- Big over the head headphones

- Action Movies

-  Cola

- Bright clothing

- The sun 

- Music


- Sports

- Bald People 

- fish

- clingy girls

- stairs 

- his nose

- Early mornings

- Grumpy people

Hobbies : 

- Teasing and bullying his hyungs

- Writing poetry

- Watching Movies

- Gaming

- Beatboxing

- Surfing the internet for useless information

Habits : 

- Procastinates alot

- Fidgets alot/ can't stay still

- Chews the sides of his cheeks which sometimes draws blood

- sometimes raps to people instead of actually talking

- repeatedly sighing when bored to try and get attention

- randomly shouts his friends names, then walks out the room leaving people confused.

Trivia : 

-  gets seasick and car sick

- cannot stand spicy food, even spicy crisps. He starts to sweat and has tears.

- Loves My Little Pony

- Is amazing at tetris

- Photobombs. Alot.

- Owns straightners

- People automatically think he's gay when meeting him.

- Never been in a serious relationship & Still a


Background : 

Junsoo was born in Incheon. He has a mother, father, and two younger twin siblings. In his family, he was seen as a responsible person because he was the oldest child. So when he debuted he managed to relax abit and become more of a child, as he wasnt the oldest. He grew up really close to his family, and became dependant on them for most things so he's rather uneducated with the big wide world. Saying that, he's very intelligent in the educated sort of way. He loves Literature and Language, and learnt the Russian Language, out of interest, from a young age. He obtained high grades throughout his school life and is still getting high grades. He originally wanted to become an author if he didnt get into the music industry, as he enjoys writing. 


EyeCandy ; 

Primary Bias Name : Another applicant

Age : depends on the applicant

Personality : depends on applicant

Relationship: up to the author 

How you treat eachother? : up to author



Secondary Bias Name : Kim Jongin | Kai | EXO

Age : 19

Personality : He's quite cocky and loves to flaunt it. He believes he is amazing at everything, and that girls and boys fall for him everywhere he goes. He's a bad boy and very rebellious. He charms people with his looks, as he knows he is good looking. He can be quite hurtful towards people, and is quite the player, which ends up with him breaking girls' hearts.

Relationship :  Kai is probably the most hottest boy Junsoo has ever met but of course he doesnt openly admit it too him. He tries his hardest to ignore him and tries not to get jealous of him when he speaks to other people. Kai however, takes an intrest to Junsoo as he doesnt seem to be effected by his charismatic charm and his looks. (But Kai is oblivious that junsoo is crushing on him hard). He tries to get his attention and pesters him, and being really flirtacious, making junsoo quite uncomfortable, embarassed and blushing like a tomato.



Tertiary Bias Name :  Kim Myungsoo | L | Infinite

Age : 21

Personality : Myungsoo is rather anti social, and cold to most people. He ignores everyone and only really enjoys the company of himself. He's quite blunt when people talk to him, so he doesn't have many friends. He is mysterious and distant, and it fascinates Junsoo.

Relationship : Junsoo is always trying to pester myungsoo and get him to talk properly with him, but myungsoo always ignores him or replies bluntly, which hurts junsoo for a bit, then he's back to his bubble self, trying to get his attention again. 


Trainee Life :  3 years & 2 months

Stage Name : Apollo

Persona : The Clumbsy Poet

Position : Main Rapper & Sub Vocals

Back-Up Position : Lead vocals & Rapper

Personal Fanclub color & name : Demigods & White


Fill in the Blank:

In the beginning your character is innocent & Childish but by the end of the story they will be Mature


Comments : Hope you like him :3 



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Your character is lovely. I will make him a bit more flawed in the story. ^_^