In the wrong?

Yesteray my husband had a meeting at work when i got home i asked him how i went and he said "good." Then i went to pick up my daughter from school and ran into a woman that lives two blocks from us and use to be friends with but havent heard from since last summer and i found out from her that my husbad was fired. He doesnt understand why im so mad that he lied to my face and why Im mad that i found out from her instead of him. Im his wife i think i should know before her. According to her they went for a walk together after dropping off the kids and then went to my house where my husband says his other friend Chis joined them. Not like i can believe him anyways. Two months ago I went out with my sister for the first time since i got pregnant with our 10 month old baby. He told me before I left tht itd be okay if i wanted to sleep with another guy which made me mad for two reasons. one: it shows he doesnt care about me as his wife, and two: it shows hes okay with adultry.  mhoped he would at least care nough about me as a person to tell me these things himself but instead he just embarrasses me and shows everyone that he doesnt care or even respect me at all and im pretty sure hes going to be sleeping with her. Her husband wont be back until mid-septmebr and its not the first time shes cheated on him. now they only have the baby that naps when our oldest is at her half day of school. ing perfect. anyone kno how much divorce costs?


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Eunhaeluv #1
aw I'm so sorry :(!!!
Divorces are expensive from what i've heard... I think you should talk to him before though... slap him a few times!!!