random thing about singing

Today during school assembly one of the older girls, who is an absolute brilliant singer btw sang  Hallelujah.

I don't know why she did it tbh and why the teachers let her do it because all they do is yell at us and grumble


but we listened to it and it had one on my friend's brother doing the guitar with her.

and i swear that what i heard then was the most beautiful thing EVER.


like the whole place was so quiet when it ended,

then everyone clapped like mad.


like i could hear my heart pounding while listening to it. she was that good.


why can't i be blessed with a wonderfully beautiful fab voice.


then...i wouldn't be on this site xD

i would be debuting in a new girl group two months from now xD





but serioiusly.

it was sooooo good 


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Big Bang's "Hallelujah" hit me for a second xD