My boyfriend's birthday present to me was...

Probably the best birthday present the form of......him tendering his resignation at the current company he's working in in Tokyo and HIM MOVING BACK TO THE STATES!!!!!! He'll be back by mid or end of October and I am BEYOND excited to hear this news last night    \(>.<)/

But his new job is gonna be in Cali, tho...still a few hours of flight away from my current workplace in Houston :( But hey at least we're now in the SAME COUNTRY yey :D More y time yey :D haha

Oh and I just heard Seungri's new single Let's Talk About Love and holy frackin donkey balls Taeyang's part just makes me wanna fly to Seoul right now and kidnap him and do unspeakable y things to him until he spells out my name. Umpf. SO. HOT. Please curse more, Youngbae. Please. It's such a turn on omg.......

Phew. Boyfriend's back in 2 months Erin....2 months....kalm yo ........


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Yay! I'm happy for you! This is awesome news!!
LOL! So in 2 more months... that means you'll be MIA for a loooong time, eh? I wonder how much y time he'll have to make up to you ^^

YB + cursing = delicious sin!