Annyeonghaseyo, if you have time can you read this, it's about updating.

Ne annyeonghaseyo yeorobun, I know you are all wondering why I haven't updating lately here in

It's been MONTHS since I last updated.

I have reasons why I haven't lately.


To my subscribers, please understand my reasons


1. School

- since I'm in my senior year, school's  have been such a crap! projects here, projects there, projects everywhere! And also I'm an officer in our school organization, reaasoning why I don't have time in updating. School's have been such a to me, giving me problems everywhere, especially when college is coming up T.T even our organization, we're  busy from all the school projects.

2. Personal Life

- yes I have a boyfriend (yay!) especially when our anniversary are coming up, I have been busy in our house either since so many events had happened in my life. I'm also an admin in the facebook page Daehyun's Cheesecake. I have been busy participating in KFEST and kpop concerts. 

4. Writing Stories

- when I was continuing my story, I HADN'T been receiving comments and subscriptions on the past few months. It had been affected my writing thingy because when I was going to update, my "other me" tells me "Why would you write? No one would read your crappy stories, you're not even a great author" and that affects me REALLY damn hard. Without you guys commenting or giving thumbs up or whatever, I would just down myself in not updating more stories. Cause people who comments in stories gives me inspiration ya na mean?


 I know only some of you would read this and some would just ignore it. To the readers who are reading this please leave a comment if I should continue and thank you for reading this. 


 It would really help me A LOT if you would convince me to write more  stories.




Natsumi Rani


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