Angel Story's Application | Im Minsu | Minsul

                                             Angel Story

Im Minsu


Username : LuHanRin

What should I call you ? Katie

Activeness : 7

name : Im Minsu

nickname : Minnie (called by member) Hotbingsoo (called by Suho)

age : 21

birthdate : 27.01.1992 

nationality : Korean, Chinese

hometown : Seoul, South Korea 

language : Korean, Chinese (fluent) English (basic)

height : 167cm

weight : (48kg

personality : Minsu is a funny girl, and a talkative one too. She's the most talkative girl in the group. When everyone is resting or in a deep mood, she will starts talking about something and talks some jokes to make the situation better. That's why she and the members are besties and have something to talk always.  She is also a good elder sister to the members. When the younger members have problem or miss their family, Minsu will console and help them. She even treats them some meal when they practiced too hard. 

Every girl has some flaws too, Minsu is hot and easily get short-tempered. When she cannot get the dance step or reaches the high notes, she will be furious and keep on practicing until she get it. Sometimes she can get arrogant after she reaches the high notes or learned the dance steps. Minsu loves to play computer games too. When it is rest day, she will sit in front of the computer and play games. All the member are fed up of her addict, but she just say it is a way to release stress. Despite her background which is quite an enducational one, she still has to attend university because her father requested her to. Because of this her timetable is full, except weekends. But weekends she also will stay in the dorm to study while the other members went to have fun or rest. But when it's time to practice or on stage, she will become serious and focus on performing. Even the other members are shocked of her sudden change. She hates it when someone disturbs her practicing or doing something, she thinks that the someone is trying to distract her. Hence, she scolds the someone different language that nobody understand. 

background : Minsu is born in an average family. Both her parents open a high-class western restaurant. When Minsu is small, she received strict education from her father. Her father kept telling her to study hard so that she and her twin brother will become successful in the future. So her daily routine is study and helps her parents at the restaurant. She herself also work hard to make her parents proud, since their family generation are all excellent in education.

One day, she saw some korean music shows and saw the star dancing, singing gracefully. At that time, she felt that standing in front of the stage is cool and everyone is focusing on her. Since then, she seeked help from her friends, her friends willing to introduce her to some dance academy. Her mother too support her and helps her with the transport. But Minsu's father disagree, they had a lot of fight with this. Minsu's determination is still and she won't give up although sometimes her asthma attacked her when she practiced too much. She believed that hardwork make success and being on the stage is her real dream. She knew about SM when her brother, Minhyuk and Kyungsoo, their best friend came back house one day and talked about it. Minsu having interest in their conversation and wanted to audition with them.

likes : (5+)

dislikes : (5+)

fears : (1+)

flaws : (1+)

trivia : (unlimited)

ulzzang : Kim Do Hee

tumblr : here

backup ulzzang : Gam Da In

tumblr : here

Family :  ( Idol siblings can . maximum 2 . Jung Yong Hwa and Jung Jin Young are taken )

Name | father or mother | Age | Personality | Occupation | Alive or dead 

Name :| father or mother | Age | personality | Occupation | Alive or dead

Name | brother or sister | perosnality | occupation | Alive or dead

Best friends : max 3

Name  | perosnality | occupation | Alive or dead

friends : max 3 

Name | perosnality | occupation | Alive or dead


love interest name : Suho Kim Joonmyun 

age : 22

birthday  22.05.1991: 

group : EXO

company : SM Entertainment

personality : 

relationship / how do you acted each other :

backup love interest name : Lay Zhang Yixing

birthday :  08.10.1991

group : EXO

company : SM Entertainment

personality : 

relationship / how do you acted each other :

Stagename : Minsul

position : 

one : Leader , Main Vocalist , rapper( 92 liner )- (x)

two : Vocalist , rapper( 93 liner )- (o)


singing twins : Kang Minkyung

danced twins : YG New Artist

rap twins : Kang Minkyung

talk twins : AOA Seolhyun

Any comments ? Good luck for your story!

suggestion for Album song ? Hmm... APink Lovely Day and Like a Dream. 

scene request ?

Passwords ? 



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