Rant : EXO ( unfortunate event)

Yes, i know you guys have read so much about sasaeng. EXO members look really stress about it but yet do they have ways to avoid them?

I tried to see from saseng perspective, but I think it's impossible because I might scared myself too. I imagined everything that they(exo) said.

Strangers always waiting for them, take picture and so on.

I dont know if any sasaeng would read this but no offense, and please, get your life; better.

I understand.

Liking someone sometimes caused chaos within ourselves but dont you think we have to control it?

Long time ago, I became fanatic toward some artists, but then it just within me. I swear it is really hard to throw my feeling away, but I try to be more realistic. 


I dont know how about you guys... have the guts to do everything just to have them. I meant at least to meet and know them (exo) better?


Can't you treat them better? Give them personal space... they have life and family, so do you guys.


this is ridiculously crazy. dont hurt them and yourself.






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AhSongyi #1
you're right! >.<
I'm with you, this already get out of control.
Precisely > 3 <
true! so true! <3