` ♡〈 caught 〉in between — Qi Xinhua




`  the  〈 delicate〉  one
  krystaliu » krys (like the first part of krystal) » 4

` she's my lady 〉

full name » qi xinhua
nickname » xin-a (shin-ah)
d.o.b : age » 21/06 : 19
ethnicity » chinese
birthplace hometown » shenyang : seoul
languages » chinese, fluent; korean, fluent; english, basic conversation;

` when you smile, sun shines 〉

ulzzang » kim shin yeong
— pictures » http://yeahuhljjang.tumblr.com/tagged/kim-shin-yeong
back-up ulzzang » song ah ri
— pictures » http://yeahuhljjang.tumblr.com/tagged/song-ah-ri
appearance » same as uljjang. 168 cm, 50kg.
style » she generally wears very girly clothes, not particularly ladylike, but more like a small kid instead. usually, xinhua will wear dresses with a more casual fit, or just make it more casual by adding a dash of denim. another style point that she adores and wears often is bows, because in her opinion they're kind of the cutest things ever. when she's feeling lazy, xinhua throws on one of her sweater dresses, because if bows are the cutest things ever, then sweater dresses must be the most comfortable thing ever, right? she does wear sneaker wedges though, because she just can't be bothered with heels. although she loves dresses, bows, and all things girly, she is slowly starting to get acclimated to the idea of more active clothes (jeans, shorts, tshirts, and the such), but is still far too in her "shell" to change her style now.

` my beautiful black pearl 〉

key traits » thoughtful, worrywart, sensitive, quiet
personality » xinhua likes to pretend that being alone doesn't bother her. it does. frankly, she's ever since she was young, she was extremely sensitive over what people said about her. if they said "oh, she looks like she's gaining some weight" she'd promptly go home and diet. if they said "can she even do this?" she'd subtly prove them wrong - in front of their faces. but xinhua is too shy to actually say anything to them, so most of the time her actions go unnoticed. however, as a friend she's very dependable. she hasn't had a lot of friends in her lifetime, but when she does have a friend she is thoughtful, kind, and very, very loyal. she is also a 100% worrywart; xinhua literally worries over everything, from clothing to work to school. it's probably bad for her health, but she deals with it, because it's just something she has and she thinks it's never going to go away.
family background » xinhua is the only child of qi xiongwei and liu meiyuan who was actually born in china. all she remembers of china is bright lights, and one birthday party in which her parents bought a lobster (they have pictures to prove her memory true), and she couldn't eat it. they moved when xinhua was three years old due to the economy and her parents' jobs, and the rest of her siblings were born in seoul, south korea. when she was first brought to korea, her family wasn't in a good state. they really only had the money they had saved up in china (which, while sufficient, wasn't going to be sufficient if they didn't get jobs soon) and a few measly connections. somehow though, they pulled through, and got all the qi children into prestigious elementary and middle schools in south korea. her parents have always been proud of her and her siblings, but xinhua, being the only one so far who has chosen a major that isn't what her parents portrayed, is receiving the blunt of the disapproving glances that her parents are sending her; more specifically, her dad's disappointed looks. however, xinhua refuses to let that end her career, because she's learned to be tougher than that. so far, she's been trying to ignore her family and focus on her life as a student, because for her, that's the most important thing (or so she likes to think...).
special talents » modelling, art,  dancing
trivias »

likes -

  • dancing (her own form of expression; her parents sent her to ballet classes when she was young and she has never quit. she has since joined jazz and tap as well.)
  • food (she likes to think of herself as some sort of food connoisseur, but she's pretty sure she's far from that. still, she thinks it would be a wonderful experience if she were able to become a food critic - it is, after all, a part of journalism.)
  • reading (it's not escapism - it really isn't. xinhua enjoys reading, mostly because it gives her a way to experience different worlds.)
  • music (a part of the reason for why she was so interested in media as a minor; the way music works in general kind of enthralls her.)
  • school presentations (these are the only things she can actually do well, regarding public speaking. for some reason, when she has everything memorized and rehearsed, she does well, but when she's actually put out there to improvise - and talk in the real world - she freezes up.)

dislikes -

  • arrogant, rude, selfish, narcissistic people (rather self explanatory, because while xinhua doesn't really express it on her face, she has an extreme dislike for people who are like this. as a child who was often poked fun at in elementary school, she just can't approve when people are like this.)
  • parties (oh my god, poor xinhua. she really can't handle these situations. whenever, in the case that she is invited to a party, she just stands out like a sore thumb, mostly because she's the only one who's standing there, not talking. in fact, if you see someone standing awkwardly in the corner with a deer-in-the-headlights kind of look, you've probably found qi xinhua.)

hobbies -

  • modelling (well, she has to earn money somehow, right? thank god she has a photogenic face, or else her blank expressions would probably give her problems. she's happy for the small things.)
  • watercolor painting (another way of expressing herself, xinhua is especially into this type of art in particular. she took art classes from a very famous art teacher when she was younger, and has developed since a view of what she wants to do and exactly how she wants to do it in this medium.)

random facts -

  • loves the color black, not for morose, depressing reasons
  • obsessed with cats
  • needs her phone not for social purposes, but for her music
  • no boyfriend; ever
  • allergic to nickel
  • has many, many, many stuffed toys in her room. many.

` baby, don't cry tonight 〉

academic major » journalism / media.
college year » freshman.
history behind this major preference » she's always looked up to lu han; her mother and his mother were good friends, and when they were young they were introduced. xinhua's pretty sure that lu han never thought much about it, but his vibrance and excitement inspired a lot of things in xinhua. the similarity in their stories prompted her to be a major in journalism. in addition, even she feels like she's too shy around other people, and was hoping to make some friends in a department that should be full of interesting people. media was also a result from this choice; xinhua's always been interested in all the jobs related to the media - plus, people working in the media today always seem really outgoing, so she figures she should be able to learn a lot from them.
grades ranking » smart, but not really anything to praise. she's in journalism, after all - not the ideal chinese job for her parents, who were both professors.
clubs » n/a. but she wants to join some; she'd probably gain some confidence if a friend dragged her (fake unwillingly) to a club and commanded her to join.
persona » the shy darling

` walking into my door 〉

family members
— father* : qi xiongwei : 45 : alive : chinese language professor : blunt, harsh, strict : not a good relationship; their personalities clash too much. her father is a lot more outgoing than she is, and doesn't understand why she can't speak up for herself. he also has some issues with her choice of major, and worries about her job opportunities later on in life, though these worries come out in the form of anger toward xinhua.

— mother* : liu meiyuan : 42 : alive : ahjumma high school math teacher : loud, intelligent, dramatic : her mother is - well, slightly more accepting of xinhua's choice of major. she knows her daughter has harbored a crush on lu han for a long time, and can understand that; somewhat. she encourages her daughter to be more exuberant and straightforward, but with all this encouragement, xinhua sometimes feels a little strained. her mom has many  expectations for her, and even if she's expressing it in the nicest way possible, xinhua still has tons of stress because of them.

— younger sister* : qi xinlan : 15 : alive : student : outgoing, cheerful, talkative : xinhua loves her younger sister to death, but god, she really wishes she would stop talking, stop being everything she isn't. unlike xinhua, who is generally quiet, xinlan is loud and obnoxious. she's also really smart and is pretty much slotted for an IT job somewhere, so. yeah. her sister is wonderful, but sometimes xinhua is quite a lot jealous.

— younger brother* : qi xinjun : 13 : alive : student : serious, sporty, persistent : although not nearly as loquacious as her younger sister, xinjun is still a great deal more outoing than his sister is, perhaps due to his forays into sports. he is very serious regarding school work, and his status as one of the basketball team captains makes him a pretty popular guy. xinhua and xinjun are relatively close, and they talk often over the phone.

— younger brother* : qi xinyu : 9 : alive : student : trickster, thoughtful, happy-go-lucky : xinhua kind of thinks her youngest brother is a little schizophrenic, but doesn't dare say so because who is she to say, anyway? sometimes he's the most adorable thing ever, thoughtful and kind to everyone, and others he's painfully oblivious; even more often, his trickster side appears, trolling anyone and everyone in the vicinity. they don't have much of a relationship, to be honest. xinhua is not particularly fond of him, although she tries...

— best friend* : park chanyeol : 21 : alive : media : bubbly, loud, slightly obnoxious : as a best friend, chanyeol's always been around. they were introduced when they she was six and he was eight, and have been best friends ever since. although he's eerily similar to xinhua's sister, his bubbly attitude makes everything okay for xinhua. she kind of loves that he can always brighten up her day.

— friend* : oh sehun : 19 : alive : education : straightfaced, straightlaced, consistently bored : so, perhaps sehun wasn't the best kind of friend that she could have made in college, but he was a decent friend in the fact that at least they could hang out together without bothering each other much.

` running into your heart 〉

love interest 1 » lu han : senior : journalism.
— back-up » zhang yixing : junior : dance // wu yifan: senior : accounting
personality » lu han is a very outgoing and happy person. xinhua gets the feeling that he exudes brightness. he has a lot of friends, and is very smiley. he's pretty much nice to everyone, which is what attracted xinhua to him in the first place.
meeting » they knew each other  before the story - kind of. her parents knew lu han's parents, and they were introduced, but xinhua is pretty sure he doesn't know of her. at all. but who knows, right? maybe one day lu han will take the initiative, because xinhua definitely isn't going to do so any time soon.
relationship » xinhua would most likely be extremely flustered whenever lu han says hi to her, or even hangs out with her. she would stutter a lot, but try to curb that and end up being clumsy instead. as a result, lu han would think she was weird, but in a cute kind of way, and continue hanging out with her at some times just because he was curious about what made her tick.

love interest 2 » park chanyeol : junior : media.
— back-up » oh sehun : freshman : education // byun baekhyun : junior : media
personality » xinhua supposes that opposities really do attract, because park chanyeol is just about as opposite to xinhua as it gets (with the exception of xinlan, who is just... incorrigible). he's vivacious, loud, slightly obnoxious, and has a ridiculously bubbly attitude that xinhua sometimes can't tolerate (in which case she'll excuse herself nicely and try to avoid him for a while). 
meeting » best friends forever! - promise made when xinhua was six and chanyeol was eight and they didn't know any better. 
relationship » now, chanyeol is fiercely protective of her, but xinhua likes to think she's not that fragile, so she often tries to push him away. however, she always ends up with him again, because, after all, they are best friends, and chanyeol has been there her entire life. she isn't sure how she'd survive without him. chanyeol has always thought she was cute with her somewhat insecurity and self-imposed strength, but he is still very bubbly and bright. in fact, he tries to be even more so like this around xinhua because he feels like she needs it.

which one do you want to end up with and why? » preferably chanyeol because he's always been there, and xinhua would be so lost without him. lu han is a bit more of a fangirl worshipping kind of like, and the qualities that she can find in lu han are also present in chanyeol. it's just a little more difficult for her to find them, because they've been friends for so long that she has kind of blinded herself to his good and bad points.
what should happen to the other one? » lu han should probably find another girl. after all, he's pretty popular, right?

` say no more 〉

scene requests » fighting scene and fluffy scene between chanyeol and xinhua would be really adorable (fight and make up?) <3
extras » /sobsob cannot come up with good 2~3 word persona... that was such a cheesy persona no :|
quote » "True strength is delicate."  - Louise Berliawsky Nevelson


`  〈 back to school 〉 




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