〈Five Years Later〉❀ Character's Name


[remember that Shift + Enter is your best friend]
[replace the blank picture with your ulzzang's]

[follow the format of the app]
[delete all brackets after reading]


EXO University
All questions must be completed for your application to be considered for acceptance. Enrollment is limited.



❀  G E N E R A L  I N F O R M A T I O N 

Full Legal Name[last name, first name]

Nickname(s): [reason how you got the nickname]

Birthdate + Age: [must be between 19-21 years old]

Birthplace + Hometown: [where you were born + where you grew up]

Ethnicity: [please don't be outrageous]

Language Spoken: [maximum of three; state the level of speaking if fluent, conversant, etc]

Username: [hyperlink your profile]
How should I call you: [my name is Ran. and yours? ^^]
Activity Level: [from 1-10 with 10 being the highest]

❀  P H Y S I C A L  I N F O R M A T I O N 

Ulzzang Name: [Lee Geumhee is taken]

Link: [minimum of three HD pictures or link to a gallery]

Back-up ulzzang: [Lee Geumhee is taken]

Link: [minimum of three HD pictures or link to a gallery]

Height(cm) + Weight(kg): [please be realistic]

Style: [how she dresses, preferred items or brand, penchant for something]

Others: [things like piercing, tattoos, birthmarks, etc]


❀  U N I V E R S I T Y  I N F O R M A T I O N 

Major: [what course are you taking up]

Affiliation(s) *optional: [club, school organization, or sorority that you belong to]

Achievement(s) *optional: [awards received inside and/or outside the university. also if you are running for laude]

Hangout Place: [favorite place in school]

Lifestyle: [your image and everyday activities inside the campus]

Others: [if you have a part time job as a university staff or outside the school]


❀  P E R S O N A L  I N F O R M A T I O N 

Personality: [minimum of one paragraph. be creative and avoid contradiction of traits. be careful when choosing adjectives too]

Likes [3+]: ❀ ❀ 
Dislikes [3+]: ❀ ❀ 
Trivias [5+]: ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ 
Background: [your past, current family situation, etc. being in-depth is optional]

Family Members: [maximum of two siblings]

❀ relation name ❀ traits ❀ alive or deceased ❀ interaction
❀ relation ❀ name ❀ traits ❀ alive or deceased ❀ interaction

Your Closest Friend: [who among the other girls are you closest with and why?]


❀  O T H E R  I N F O R M A T I O N 

Plotline: [title of the plotline you are applying for]

Love Interest: [i suggest that you follow the offered list of potential love interest]

Male Bestfriend: [only for the Un-ladylike Bumpkin Plot]

Scene Request(s): [I cannot promise to make all of them but I will take at least one ^^]

Questions/Suggestions/Comments: [tell me what you think!]




 B A C K  T O  T H E  S T O R Y




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Sorry for making you wait ! Hope you'll like my app. If there's any problem, tell me :>
Here is my application:


I hope you like my character ^^. If you see anything you would like me to change, please let me know :)

Good luck to all the applicants and good luck picking your girls ^^ ~Hwaiting!
omg, i was almost forgetting about the deadline T_T here's my application! http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/656249
oh, and please notice english isn't my first language >_<
nunchii #5
berryxstraw #6
favoritewords #10
Here's my app! I hope you like it~ <3

I've finished~~


Please let me know if I need to change anything~ I tried my best!! FIGHTING!
P.S. I hope you understand her personality~
BananaNutt #12

i gave it a shot! let me know if you need more or are confused. i have a tendency of getting ahead of myself ...
-redridinghood #13
Here's mine app; http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/640874