t-ara and their boys, beneath the star, and me

Hello every bodies. Well last month I went to Korea for a while to visit friends and family so I really didn't get to update my story beneath the star. I am a bit bored with this story but I will complete it but maybe nit so soon! I have also made a new variety typed story called t ara and their boys so please check that out! If any of you guys have watched hello baby then ill tell you that Lauren, Mavin, and Leo will be on the show and also will infinite so please check that you I will be writing this story on my phone then I will be editing and adding photos and you'know the deets the next day And I'm also doing this thing where I put all my photos of thar story like how they dressed ina certain chapter on the next page so it doesn't distract you, cause usually the outfits are really cool and I get distracted while I'm reading! ANYWAY bye for now!


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