Winter Love preview

So basically, I found the notes that i had written for WInter Love and promised that I would get that fic done by the end of this year.

To tease you guys for the fun of it, here are some previews of the lines the characters will say in the fic :]

I will not say who they are but some are more obvious than others.



“If I am to be completely honest with you Princess, I find you to be nothing but a nuisance. Do you not see the commotion and trouble you have caused for this whole village? Most importantly, do you not see what you are doing to my daughter?”

“What do you expect me to do? I’m a heartless demon of the mountains. What’s been done cannot be undone.”



“What do you mean you told him to look after her?! Do you understand what dangers that man possesses?!”

“Why should I believe you? You’ve caused my daughter nothing but grief. If you never existed, she would not have had to suffer like this. Why don’t you save us both the trouble and just leave her be?”

“You don’t understand. Go back to her now before it’s too late! If anything happens, it will be your soul who carries the burden.”



“Why can’t you just take me back to the mountains? Why can’t we just leave and return to those bliss few days back in the mountains? I’m sure I’ll begin to grow used to it, just as you did.”

“We can’t. People will come looking for you and nothing will change. If anything, you’re risking your life by returning to the mountains with me.”

“Maybe that’s a good thing.”



“Just forget it Jessica. It’s over. There is no point in fighting in a war that has already ended.”

“Taeyeon, I… I’ll take full respo-”

“There’s no need. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so selfish and remained unknown to everyone. Maybe then I wouldn’t suffer like this so much.”

“Don’t say that… Being alone is never the solution to anything.”

“But I’m not alone anymore. Even if I want to be, I can’t.”

“Then let me follow you and accompany you. The servant must always be accompanied by their master and take full responsibility for their servant’s actions.”

“Not if they’re no longer your servant.”


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Waaaaah! I miss the fanfic you know? ^_^
Waaaaah! I miss the fanfic you know? ^_^
Waaaaah! I miss the fanfic you know? ^_^
sketchbooked #4
ughh I love you and this fic,
This part though, "it will be your soul who carries the burden", I think it would sound more correct if it's "your soul that carries the burden".