`Kwon Min Jee▲ the new boys | application

Kwon Min Jee.




USERNAME: BlackRose001



NICKNAMES: MJ- Smaller way of her name

BlackRose- Because of her love for black roses

AGE: 18 - Senior

BIRTH DATE: 20/03/1995


HEIGHT (cm): 168cm

WEIGHT (kg): 48kg

LANGUAGES: Korean and Mandarim-Fluent; English- Only on conversations 


  • Cold: She is a really cxold person to the people she doesn´t know or hates. She will always ignore them or give them a cold sentece. She doesn´t like to show her emotions that easily, even her friends have difficulties to understand her emotions.
  • Scary: When she giver her glares, everyone is scared. Even her way of speaking scares a little. Don´t you dar mess up with her or her friends, she will find a million ways to torture you until you die or say sorry. Be aware that she has a lot of strenght.
  • ert: Don´t say anything to her. She will most of time take what other people say her to the ert side. She will start smirking and will do anything to corrupt the mind of her innocent friends. She loves to see them blushing and flustered.
  • Caring: She may be cold but she is really caring with the people she loves. She will do even the most embarrasing thing in the world just to make them happy. She hates to see them sad.


  • Childood: She never really had the love of a family. Her parents were famous and would travel avery week. Her parents were always busy and even if she was sick, she had to take care of herself and don´t bother her parents.

   Her parents only gived her one thing: Money. They tought that giving her money that way she would be happy. At least they know that she was alive and nedded money to eat and to buy things for her.

   At first she had a lot of difficulties to have friends since she didn´t know how to interect with them, but thanks to Amber and Zelo, she finally started to have friends. She meet their friends: F(X) and BAP. They were their friends and no one else. She would always say that she didn´t need anyone else. They were like her family. They would always be there for her when she needed.

  • Present: With BAP and F(X) they went all together to Yagan High School. The 12 of them were really popular but everyone was scared of them too. No one would bother them and that was what they wanted. No one could enter on their cicle of friends. 

   Min Jee was happy. She was simply happy. She had what she really wanted: people that loved her.


  • Coconut Ice cream
  • White chocolat
  • Capuccino
  • Black roses
  • Skates
  • Basketball
  • Scary movies
  • The night
  • Wolves


  • Watermelon
  • Black chocolat
  • Coffee
  • Insects
  • Really hot days
  • Walk to much


  • Bitting her bottom lip when she´s thinking
  • Speaking quickly
  • Write lyrics on classes
  • Skipping when she´s to happy


  • Storms
  • Snakes


  • She is a computer addicter
  • She loves to skate and swim
  • She sings well
  • Without knowing she whistles in the "S´s"
  • She as a little bat has a mascot named Pearl
  • She knows how to fight. And fights really well.
  • She loves to dance
  • At home she has a garden with a lot of black roses. She just loves them to much. 

FACE: Lee Yeon Ju aka Mikki- Gallery

BACK-UP: Kim Soo Yeon- Gallery

STYLE: Badass style and hip-hop style. She sometimes wears cute clothes and y clothes.


Kwon Stella / Alive / 46 / A famous stylist / Cold, Strict / Don´t talk with each other. Cold.

Kwon Sang Woo / Alive / 50 / Actor / Serious, Strict / Don´t talk with each other. Cold

Sibling: N/A 


Amber / 18 / Student (Senior) / Tomboy, funny, dorky / Really good friends. The first friends and best friends that Min Jee ever had. 


Zelo  / 18 / Student (senior) / A little cold sometimes, funny, cute, innocent / Min Jee loves to corrupt his mind They are really friendly and care for each other.



PERSONALITY TRAITS: Caring, Friedly, funny, honest, social

RELATIONSHIP / INTERACTION WITH CHARACTER: Min Jee is always cold towards him and BaekHyun is really friendly to her. Sometimes he gets hurt because Min Jee speaks really cold and ignores him a lot of times.

When BakHyun gets hurt with her words or when he fights with someone, she will be a little caring to him and speaks just a little bit. Even if she doesn´t speak a lot, BaekHyun gets really happy and starts to do a lot of skinshp with her. She starts to be a little uncomfotable with it, but at the same time she likes it, so she tries to calm herself down and lets him being clingy to her.


BACK-UP: Xiumin

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Shy, honest, Caring,Funny, Friendly

RELATIONSHIP / INTERACTION WITH CHARACTER: Min Jee loves to corrupt his mind. He is to innocent and honest, so he blushes right away when she says ert things. Other times Min Jee ignores him and LuHan goes always beside her trying to talk with her which it doesn´t happen. 

Min Jee worries about him sometimes, when other gils try to say ert things to him. She hates to see him blushing in front of them, so she always stands in front of LuHan and give the girls death glares and they run away. LuHan is always suprised with that reaction of hers, especialy when she says: " I´m the only one that can tell you ert things and make you blush that way, understand?" LuHen nodes always his head and starts to talk to her wiv«ch she simply says anwsers of yes, no or maybe.

REACTION TO EXO: When she heards about them, she doesn´t care at all. She thinks that it´s just another bunch of popular guys. When she sees them she has  apoker face but inside she thinks that they are really handsome and starts to analize who are the innocent ones to be able to corrupt their minds another day.

REACTION TO EXO 2: When she learns that they are wolves, at first she couldn´t believe but when she saw with her own eyes she was amazed. She didb´t avoid them, she would always act like she normaly acts: cold, ert and sometimes caring.

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS: I really loved this idea. One girl for 2 boys. OMG that´s awesome. One question, will the girls in the end turn wolves too?


  • LuHan and BaekHyun competintg against each other to see who is the one that gets the most atention of Min Jee.
  • Min Jee enters in a fight all alone and when LuHan and BaekHyun see it they are amazed with her fighting skills. 
  • BaekHyun and LuHan at night go to your bedroom and sleep beside you without you noticing it.
  • When Min Jee is sick, she faints and both of them stay at her house to take care of her, since there´s no one to take care of her since her parents are away and when she starts to feel better they ask about her parents and she tells them about her parents and that whenever she was sick she was always alone.
  • LuHan and BaekHyun have jealous of Zelo being much more closer to Min Jee than them



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