Heyy, I'm 18!

Ughhh, I feel so old now. /runs in the corner

But being 18 isn't half bad right?

Well, I'm of legal age now. XD

I can do whatever I want. /bricked

Well, maybe not all. XD


Well, I had fun with my birthday today.

Spent the whole day with my brother and my mom.

We've been into this very very very very very classy hotel.

OMG, the ambience is soo classy.

Very very, soothing. XD

what I like about it is that they have bathtubs~ /slapped

nyawww, don't have bathtubs on our house ;A;

but anyways, we saw folk performances. :D

tribe dances of different regions. soooo kewwl

plus, it has this beautiful scenery *o* 

This birthday was soo calming.



Happy Happy Birthday to me~ /throwsconfettistoself

ohh another thing, here's my selca. NOOO, DON'T LOOK AT IT! /bricked


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Even this seem late, but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! We're on same age and even we were born on the same month! ^^
*throws confetti*
omg you like someone i know. lol
anyway, happy birthdaaaaaaaaaaay ♡
Happy birthday po Kuya!
Kung natatandaan mo pa ako... hehehe :))
Welcome to the of age club! It ! :D
Happy birthday my dear ~~
nyaww~ Arvi ! you're so cute !
Ang cute cute mo talaga~
/is this correct??/slapped/
by the way ~ happy 18th birthday once again !
Happy Birthday ^^
Happy birthdaaaaaaaaay ^^
happy birthdaaay o /

cough you are hot cough.
/shooooot. cx
happy birthday bebe
teaquiIa #10
happy birthday! o/