

Yesterday in the car ride home from a long day from the mall, a simple question of circumstance turned into an entire discussion on when you should love the person you are with.

If it were not for that conversation, I would have never expected to put so much thought into how I feel for this guy.

“What were they doing? Kissing, right? You can’t kiss someone like that and not be in love with them. Or else, what was the point of the entire relationship?”

Fear. It’s fear, that’s all. When you say you’re in love with someone, that’s the same thing as opening up your heart and sewing that person’s name in the very center. Every thought revolves around that one person, and at the end of the day, that is who you want to be with.

And yet when it comes down to just that, we realize that you’re doing all this… for someone else. Someone, incidentally, that can do you wrong yet you end up coming back because, it’s just that, youlove that person. Love is caring someone despite whatever they do, and letting them go after admitting that is even worse though it can be done.

I’m scared to admit everything. I’m scared to even say that this one guy is on my mind every single day, and no matter what I do, his face always comes back into my head. It’s just fear. Nothing else.


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