I want a fanboy bff!!!

My dream is to have a Kpop Faboy BFF!!!

All my Kpop fans are girls! If I saw a guy fanboying over Kpop I would be like

OMG 0_0

Then we will fangirl/boy together, not caring what people think. We gonna' be like:


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Oh bff you say...I though you meant bf,if thats the case is not that hard,maybe not in your school but you can find them online,I met a couple here on AFF
Girl I know LOTS of fanboys,even covers that dance just like the kpop idols,hansome boys that dye their hair and stuff but belive me,they wouldnt date you,or any girl for the matter
Kpop fanboys are almost like 99% gays(outside of korea)at least I never met or heard about q straith one :/
PatriciaUchiha #3
Ooooohhh Ooooohhh I have fanboy friends!!!!! :D One is a hardcore fan of Infinte, especially Hoya. And the other one is a fan of 2PM....
Yeah, I'm pretty much alone where I am. First off, I go to a school where the only Kpop fans are me, my sister, and a few other girls.

That's why, I am hoping for new Kpop fans in the upcoming grade. And hopefully I can find some male Kpop friends. Being the only male Kpop fan in the school makes it a bit lonely which is why I don't even bother telling people what I listen to because they're just going to say, "Oh, I don't like this. It's Asian etc." so I'll save them the time.

You're not alone.
omg i agree LOL!